3rd time is a charm in Fremont, Michigan

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

Dan R. was trimming some trees off his property and clearing some of his land and forgot he was wearing a gold bracelet until walking in the house and noticed it gone.

He went back out to where he thought he might have lost it and could not find it. He got on the computer and found www.theringfinders.com and located me through

the directory. I came out the next day with a friend, Dave, and attempted to look for it unsuccessfully in the rain. Dan paid for my gas to make the 82 mile round trip

and I told him « I will be back but this time on my dime ». A week later I came out with another detector friend, Larry, and with better weather was still unsuccessful

so I didn’t want to fail Dan and his wife so I told him I was coming back. The third time I came back with my brother Doug, we have been a very successful team

in hunting down these lost items. After about 30 minutes Doug came up with the gold bracelet just on the edge of the flower bed and the grass.

Another happy couple and in the words of our director, Chris Turner, « I love my job ».


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