On Thursday, December 5th, 2024, I was returning home from Portland, Maine, when I heard my phone ring. Once home, I had the following message on my Facebook Messenger and a voicemail, on my phone,
“Hello! I just left you a voicemail, my name is Sarah, I’m working at Club Rowe in South Paris. I was outside at the Guy E. Rowe School by the pavilion when my ring fell off my hand into the snow. The kids here and I have been working hard to find it, but no luck. If you can get back to me to talk further it would be deeply appreciated! Thank you so much”.
I immediately called Sarah back and told her I could absolutely come up and help search for her ring. Sarah told me that it was a Sterling Silver Ring, with a Pink Sapphire stone. Sarah also told me she knew the area, she had lost their ring in. She was standing just outside a gazebo, when the snow started sliding off of the roof. Sarah jumped from just outside the gazebo, over the bank of fallen snow and landed, under the roof, of the gazebo. As she was jumping, over the snow bank, she felt the ring come off. Unfortunately, she wasn’t sure which way the ring had gone. I told her no problem, I could search the areas, in front of where she jumped, in the back of her and to the sides. I couldn’t imagine the search area would be any larger than a 25’ X 25’ area. I told Sarah I would leave shortly, as soon as I could get all my gear loaded. It was now approximately 12:00 noon.
Once I got on the road, I called Sarah and told her my ETA was approximately 1:25pm, depending on traffic and weather issues. Sarah told me it had started to snow again, in Norway and they had already received approximately 3-4 inches of snow, so far. As I was driving, I was only encountering light rain and drizzle, until I was in the Poland and Oxford, Maine area, when I started encountering snow. Wasn’t snowing hard and should cause no issues in my search.
Once I arrived, Sarah immediately came out of the schools daycare and after a few pleasantries, she walked me over the area she had lost her Sterling Silver Ring in. As I surveyed the area, I thought to myself that this should be fairly quick. Sarah gave me another Sterling Silver Ring, to setup and test the detector with. No issues and Sarah was able to see how the detector would sound, when my coil went over the ring. I told Sarah she didn’t need to stay outside with me, while I searched, since she was working with the children, in the Snow Day daycare. Once Sarah went in, I decided to search the area to her left and to the front, of where she was standing m when she jumped. This would be the same direction her body was going, when she felt the ring come off. After 5-6 minutes of searching and a few targets investigated, I hadn’t found the ring. I then decided to search the area, behind and to the right, of where she was standing, prior to jumping, over the snowbank. Approximately 2-3 minutes of searching this area, my metal detector started screaming at me. I just knew this had to be the Sterling Ring. The VDI number on my Minelab Manticore’s screen was reading 78 and this was definitely, in the Sterling Silver range. I got my pinpointer out and plunged it into the snow. Once I located the target, I started pushing the snow away, with my pinpointer. I then saw the ring and pink stone. I had found Sarah’s ring.
A few minutes later, Sarah came outside with the children and I called her over. Pretending to not know exactly where she had been standing, when the ring came off, I started to ask her a question, about where she was standing. As she got closer, I asked her if she recognized the ring, on my detector. Sarah was extremely surprised and happy to see up her ring, sitting on my metal detector. If you would like to see the video, of her being surprised, you may find it on my Facebook Page.
Nothing better than to be able to help people, like Sarah out, in their time of need.
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