How to find a lost ring in the river...

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463


I received a call from a stressed out young man who lost a very special ring that was gifted to him by his girlfriend, he asked if I could come right away to help, but after asking a few questions and learning it was lost in the Fraser River and the tide was coming up, I knew I wouldn’t be there in time to help him as I was over 2 1/2 hours away.

After I checked the low tide table, we planned on meeting the next day at 4:30 PM, we met on a nice sunny day. The tide was out and he showed me where he was on the beach. Luckily, he had made a visual reference an exact spot where he was skipping stones when he felt his ring come off. This makes a huge difference as it puts me in an area I can focus on, some people do not do this, and it could take hours for us to come in and guess where they were standing in order to locate the item.

I had him pick up a rock and show me the way he skipped it, I was able to determine the direction his ring would’ve come off and it was pretty close to the area, it only took 10 minutes to find his beautiful ring. That was a gift from his girlfriend, this ring was her late grandfathers ring, and you can imagine how both of them felt when it was lost. He was very surprised, and very relieved when I held up the ring to show him.





Every Ring has an amazing story attached to it and I’m so honoured to be able to help continue these stories!

Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463 I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring/lost items mean to them and how happy it makes them feel when I find it.

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