Found Ring in Aldergrove, BC.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call ASAP  778-838-3463

I received an email a week ago in regard to helping a young lady find her husbands ring that was lost while throwing weeds over the fence in the backyard. After asking my typical questions I found out that the Ring had been lost two years ago, she saw something on Facebook about TheRingFinders that gave her the idea to call.

We talked for a while and she told me that they rented a metal detector but cannot find the ring, also that there were prickle bushes where the ring fell. I was very interested in the fact that the ring had been lost for two years and knowing that no one would’ve found that ring because it was just on the other side of the fence beside the road, nobody would be metal detecting for that ring there.

We made arrangements to meet in Aldergrove where they live, about 60 minutes from my house, in a weeks time. Today I met Justin & his wife Janelle & daughter, we talked a bit about where he believes the ring was lost and how it got there,  I was very confident I would find the ring so we set out for a little bit of a walk around the block to where the back of his fence was, thankfully Justin cut back the thorn bushes to give me a chance to sweep my metal detector over the area, I knew I was looking for a tungsten carbide ring so I brought a couple with me just to see a visual display number and show him how the detector works.










I found a few bits of scrap metal and within 10 minutes alongside the road by a ditch and only feet away from his fence, I found his wedding band that was lost for 2 years & 10 minutes!

I love my job! I get to make people smile! Please share with your friends on your social media, tell them about Sharing is Caring…Together we can find more smiles!

You can watch the video of the search below…




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