14K White Gold Ring Lost at Shadow Cliffs...Found in 3 feet of water!!!

  • from Walnut Creek (California, United States)

The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590

On Memorial Day I received a message from Madison requesting help.  While spending the day with family at Shadow Cliffs, a man-made lake in Pleasanton, CA, he lost his wedding ring in 3 to 4 feet of water.  Shadow Cliffs is part of the East Bay Regional Parks District, and they require a special permit for detecting.  I have always carried this permit, but it comes with some red tape.  Specifically, it does not allow for metal detectors to enter the water.  I informed Madison that I would request special permission from the park manager before we could schedule this search.  The park team was great and very accommodating!

With permission to enter the water and permit in-hand Madison and I met at the lake to perform the search.  It was a beautiful, warm day and we were both excited to get into the water and recover the ring.  He walked us out to chest deep water and stated that he thought that the ring was lost at this spot.  A 15 minute hasty search turned up a few dimes and no rings.  The best news was that there was not a lot of trash to contend with.  A grid was established working parallel to the shore line first in deeper water working towards the shallows.  I informed Madison that I believed that the ring would hit between 12 to 14 on my Equinox 800, but would investigate every signal to « clear it » from the grid.  With each target, I could see the anticipation in Madison, but he was a good sport each time we pulled up what was not his ring.


At one point after being in the water an hour or so, we questioned the position of the area and the depth of water.  We moved to more shallow water and it wasn’t to long before…WE MADE THE RECOVERY! It took three attempts to get the 14k white gold band into the scoop but I just knew that the 13-14 signal and perfect tone was our sought after prize.  When I noticed that Madison had not seen me recover the ring I moved closer and asked him to describe the ring again and if it had « looked like this! »  The instantaneous smile appeared that makes performing these recoveries so great and he said he could hug me, to which I leaned in for the embrace!

Once back on the sand beach I took some obligatory photos and we walked down to the lifeguards who had been interested in our activities.  The lifeguards had doubted the success of our venture and were excited for our victory. Then he and I stared out at the water for a bit and talked.  Madison was just the sort of guy I’d like to know.  He was patient, kind, and thoughtful and seemed like a great father.  Thank you Madison for trusting in me to assist you with your ring recovery.  I very much enjoyed your company and conversation while we took this journey!  Best Wishes!



The Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590

Now offering Metal Detecting, Video Endoscope, and Magnet Fishing services!

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One Reply to “14K White Gold Ring Lost at Shadow Cliffs…Found in 3 feet of water!!!”

  1. Madison dit :

    Madison here! I am beyond thankful for Brendon’s help finding my wedding ring. As he said, I lost it on busy Memorial Day at the lake and spent the better part of an hour diving down to look to no avail. I texted Brendon that afternoon and received a call a few hours later. He was so courteous and told me what to expect and the steps he would have to take to get permission to go metal detecting in the later at a regional park.

    Two days later we met up there after agreeing on a time that worked for us both. As soon as I rolled up, he excited said, “Are you ready to get this ring back?” I was hopeful and never once questioned his enthusiasm or skill, but there was a part of me that was skeptical that *anyone* could find my ring in the water after 72 hours and so much foot traffic.

    We both went into the water and he explained his methodology; first conducting a “hasty search” based on my memory of where I dropped it, and then moving on to a more structured grid search. Brendon never lost his enthusiasm, and I could tell he lived for this sort of thing. After about an hour and a few course corrections, he walked up to me and asked, “Did it look like this?” He was holding my ring! I was shocked and elated and gave him a hearty hug. The lifeguards on the beach that day were excited to hear that he had made the recovery, but no one was happier than me that afternoon.

    After me we made the recovery we took some time to just chat and soak in the scenery that afternoon. Brendon is an East Bay native and had lots of good stories about the area. We found out that we’re both history buffs and we swapped stories and anecdotes for the better part of an hour. The only thing missing was a couple beers. Beers (and BBQ) are on me when we meet again, Brendon.

    If you’ve lost something valuable (even if it’s only valuable to you) I can’t recommend Brendon enough. Don’t give up hope! Give Brendon a call!

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