Yakima County, Wiley city Washington Lost Earring

  • from Yakima (Washington, United States)

I accepted an earring search today. I know that finding a small diamond earring can be almost impossible, as metal detectors can have trouble sensing them. But I was eager to have a search, and I thought I would like to give it a try. The area it was lost in was small, just a few feet square and grass. It belongs to a lovely young child, and I knew the smile if I found it would be worth a million bucks. So off I went. Just a short drive and I was there. I met with the family and looked at the site. Next I was lucky and she had the matching earring. I tested it in my normal search program on my XLT and it was completely silent as it passed under the coil. I made several adjustment and finally was able to get the faintest signal. The search began and after only 15 or 20 minutes I had a similar faint signal among several loud and deeper signals. I went carefully through the patch of grass and caught the faint glint of metal. It turned out to be  the back of the earring. Very tiny and a lucky find. Since she was standing still when it came off, I moved over about 6 inches and had another faint signal. Searched through the grass and there it was. I did this search for the smile, and I was well paid as you can see in the picture. Happy all around. Great hunt and I will take a lucky find every time. If you have lost something special, give me a call and lets find it!

Million Dollar Smile!


4 Replies to “Yakima County, Wiley city Washington Lost Earring”

  1. Congrats on finding the earring indeed a million dollar smile ! Awesome work !

  2. Steve Mack dit :

    Thanks, Yep she was a good smiler.

  3. Brenda Quiroz dit :

    I have a friend who lost her earing this past saturday at fullbring park. She was st the car show. The earing is very sentimental item as she just lost her husband of fifty years so getting back that earing is very important to her. I took my metal detector on tuesday to look for it but did not k ow exactly where she was parked. Todat she went back with a friend and my detector and friend had one also. Mine worked great but tbgge friends was not picking up any sound. She put her other earing diwn to see how well mine worked and it found right away. I would like to if maybe you could help her find ger ezring. Its gold loop mayve about inch or more round with good size diamonds around the whole loop. Not a cheap set of earings. If you could maybe help her as like I said she wants to find it has her husband bought the set for her over 20 years ago. Thank you.

    1. Steven Mack dit :

      Brenda give me a call tomorrow so we can set up a time to search for the earring. 952-5382


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