Scuba metal detecting Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost ring at Jordanelle: Found

This is a wonderful story. Alex was named after Alexander the Great, and since he has always loved ancient Greek history, his wife bought an ancient Greek silver coin and had it melted and alloyed with gold to make his wedding ring. While swimming with his family at Jordanelle reservoir, the ring popped off his finger and disappeared in about 10 feet of water. He tried diving to find it, but it was hopeless. He found me on I brought my metal detectors and my floating air supply and spent about 45 minutes groping blindly in the icy waters, but I couldn’t find the ring. The reservoir is at over 6000 feet in elevation, and the late spring water was just too cold to search effectively. I waited a few weeks and, without telling Alex, I returned to search more thoroughly. I found the ring buried under a couple of inches of mud! Alex was thrilled to hear from me that I had found his ring for him.

Alex sent me this kind note: Thank you so much Larry! This is a story that I will tell my kids about one day. I so appreciate your help, there’s no way we would’ve found this ring without you.