#lostphone Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Cell Phone, Lake Geneva, WI

  • from Lake Geneva (Wisconsin, United States)

I’m an elementary school teacher.  It’s a great profession, but comes with stresses that I’d rather not bring home to my family.  It was a Tuesday afternoon in April.  School dismissed, and I decided some detecting time at my local beach might help me clear my head before heading into the evening with my wife and kids.  

      Three were a handful of people on the beach, enjoying a bit of sun that was trying to peek through the clouds.  I was crouched down working on a signal when a man approached me and asked if my detector could find a missing cell phone.  Mohammed explained that his wife had lost her new cell phone in the sand.

I eagerly told him yes, and finished digging my target.  It turned out to be a penny.

The city had recently dumped large piles of sand on the beach in preparation of spreading a fresh layer prior to the summer season.  Mohammed and his wife were sitting on one of these piles and discovered the phone was missing.  

They tried calling the phone, to no avail.  

A few minutes of sweeping the mound revealed the phone.  When I pulled it out of the sand, it was ringing.  They were down the beach looking in other areas.  I answered the phone and said,  “I found it!”

They were elated.  They ran to meet up with me with fist bumps and thank yous.  It was a right place-right time situation.  

When I got home that night, I was destressed from my day in the classroom, and I was pleased to help out this kind and grateful couple.


  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Samantha and Friends were dockside enjoying a beautiful sunny cottage country day. She accidentally dropped her new iPhone 12 into the water between the two dock portions. They searched for hours but had trouble seeing the iPhone in the dark mucky waters below the dock.

I arrived late in the evening with my new lightweight battery operated hookah system BLU3 NEMO  and my trusty Minelab Excalibur2 underwater metal detector!

Took me but 5 seconds to see Samantha’s iPhone shinny side up! Check out the video!

One very happy young lady and another donation made to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation charity in which Samantha received a tax receipt!!

Paying-it-forward!! I love using my passion for metal detecting and five detecting to raise much needed funds to financially support breast cancer patients in need 💖