Lost Triple Russian Wedding Ring Found in Whangarei Garden
Jo realised her triple Russian wedding ring was missing one afternoon.
Unsure of when or where she had lost it, she turned to me for help.
She had been mowing the paddock with the ride on mower, and had stopped a couple of times to clear the blocked chute of heavy, wet grass.
– Or was it when she had been laying out pea-straw on the garden?
As a heavy shower started to fall, I decided to clear the pea-straw first – No sense in getting all the wet weather gear on for a long paddock search if I didn’t need to.
It was too cramped between the veges for the main machine, and even the 4″ coil would have been banging into and damaging her veges so I opted for the pinpointer.
Halfway down the second row of leeks, I picked up a signal.
I pulled the straw back and there were three golden rings lying on the soil surface.
All done in a couple of minutes, and a quick dash back under the cover of the house eaves while I waited for Jo to emerge from the house.