Vincent called me and told me that he lost his prized watch collection in the Altadena fire when his house burned down to the ground. he told me there were over thirty watches in his collection including four Rolexes. He was devastated not only to lose his home of over thirty years but a high end watch collection that took a lifetime to buy. one watch at a time. I met him a few days later and followed him to his property. He showed me the possible locations of his bedroom were the watches were proudly displayed in a fancy box . I cut away part of the walls that had collapsed on the area. then began raking and shoveling the debris through a sifting screen. within an hour I started finding Vincent’s watches , one then another then another and so on until I had found all thirty watches including the four expensive Rolexes and his grandfathers pocket watch. He was amazed that I found all of them. I had to cut away more of the plaster and chicken wire wall before I could search for his wife’s jewelry. within another half hour I found her diamond ring a gold star Saphire ring and two gold bracelets. I finished the day off with finding most of Vincent’s silver coin collection . He thanked me over and over and told me now he had some closure after the disaster and how he was ready to turn the property over to the Army Core Of Engineers to remove all the debris and clear the lot.