#how do I find a wedding band on the beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Palladium Wedding Ring, Lost In The Goose Rocks Beach, Kennebunkport, Maine Sand, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

On Wednesday August 28th, I received a phone call from Melissa, at approximately 6:45pm. Her husband had lost his wedding ring, on GooseRocks Beach in Kennebunkport, Maine. I asked Mellisa if her husband had lost the wedding ring, in the water of in the dry sand. She told me he had lost it in the dry sand and the entire family has been searching for it, but couldn’t find it. She asked me if I would be able to come and search for it tonight. I told Melissa I would load my equipment and head right there. I also asked her to text me the address where we could meet. As I was loading two of my metal detectors, the Minelab CTX-3030, Minelab Manticore , pinpointer and sand scoop, Melissa texted me the address.

Cheryl and I immediately left our home, in Saco, Maine and started the approximately 20 minute drive to Goose Rocks Beach, Maine. We arrived promptly at 7:15pm and with a 7:24pm sunset, I needed to find the ring quickly, so I wouldn’t have to search in the dark. To make matters worse, I forgot my headlamp, that would make the night search much easier.
We were promptly met by Melissa, her husband Matt and their three young children, Abigail, Lucy and William. As Abigail and Lucy led the way to the area, where they had been spending a beautiful summer day, on the beach, I asked Matt, if he could tell me, what had happened, when he lost the ring. Matt told me that earlier, in the day, he had taken the ring off and put it on his beach chair, so he could go swimming. He then completely forgot about the ring and at the end of the day, the family packed everything up and went back to his father’s house, across the street. It was then that Matt realized he didn’t have his wedding ring on. The family went back and searched for the ring but were unable to find it. That is when Melissa called me.
We arrived at the area, where they all had spent the day. I could see the disturbed sand, where they had been searching. They had made an approximate 10-15 foot circle around the area the ring most likely would be in. If I didn’t find it inside the circle, I would have to search the route they had walked, back to Matt’s parents home. With the sun setting fast, I was hoping for a quick recovery.
I decided to start on the left side of the circle and perform a grid search, from the beach, down towards the water, turn around and go from the water side of the grid, back up the beach, towards the road. First pass I had no targets. Second pass, still no targets. Third pass a received a low tone, but I knew it would most likely be a piece of aluminum and it was. I handed the aluminum to Abigail and continued on. Just a few steps later, I received a nice low tone and a reading of 12-17 on my CTX-3030. Definitely a non-ferrous target but it could be gold or a pull tab. As I looked down at the sand, I could see just a small piece of, of a pull tab. I also gave that to Abigail and continued on. As I arrived at the end of the circle m I received another really nice, repeatable low tone and with a VDI reading of 12-24, I just knew this had to be Matt’s ring. Cheryl passed me my pinpointer and I located the target, in the sand, at a depth of about 3 inches. I put my hand into the sand and pulled out Matt’s wedding ring. I showed it to Abigail and the turned to Matt and Lucy and showed them the ring. It was now 7:25pm. Thankfully, I had found the ring within 10 minutes of arriving at Goose Rocks Beach and there was still a little daylight left.
Smiles were ear to ear and everyone was just ecstatic, that Matt had his wedding ring back. I’m just thankful that I am able to just up and leave, when the call comes in. It’s such a privilege to be able to help people like Melissa and Matt, in their time of need.

Gifted 14K Gold Wedding Ring, Lost In The Ocean, in Crescent Beach State Park, Cape Elizabeth, Maine, Found With A Metal Detector

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Recovery and return #35, in the past year. Should you ever lose a ring, keys, phone, jewelry or anything metallic, contact The Ring Finders of Maine, for a chance to get your item back, that you thought was lost forever.

On Wednesday, May 29th, 2024, I found a Men’s Wedding Ring and posted it to Facebook, in the hopes, the owner would recognize it and I would be able to return it. One of the comments, on my post was from Samantha. She commented, “My son lost a Gold Wedding Ring, at Crescent Beach, last weekend, if you ever find anything there”.
I replied that I was sorry to hear this and could she send me a Facebook private message, which she did. I replied with an aerial view of Crescent Beach State Park, Cape Elizabeth, ME, in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. I marked off 5 sections of the large beach area and asked Samantha if her son had lost the ring in one of the 5 sections. She sent back my photo, with an area, circled in yellow and told me it was lost in that area. She then sent another PM and stated

“ He lost it in the water, a little bit, but the tides were in between. He’s only 9 and it was my Dad’s ring, that he gave to him. He was super sad, when it fell off”.

I replied with,
“So not to deep. I am not familiar with this beach but I can certainly give it a try. I do have waterproof detectors. You say the tides were in between, so he wasn’t way out there”.

Samatha replied, “He wasn’t way out! Dry sand was a very short distance behind me. The beach that day was pretty clear as well, so we could see the bottom. Just couldn’t find the ring”.

I then told her that I had a previous commitment, the next morning, Thursday, was going to be out of state, on Friday and if Crescent Beach State Park, would grant me permission, I would search on Saturday, when the tide was advantageous. I told her if I could make it Thursday, I would, but it would be tight, with the tide coming in. With the ring, already lost for 5 days, in the water m I really didn’t want to wait until Saturday.
Samantha replied, “Aww ok! No pressure at all! Thank you”!
I knew there was pressure because when something is lost in the water or, the tides and waves could potentially make it lost forever. I had to get there asap.

The next morning, I finished up with my commitment and it was 10:30am. Low tide was at 11:09am. If I left right then and drive the approximate 25 30 minutes, to the State Park, I could get 2-3 hours of searching completed, before the incoming tide would overtake the search area.

I arrived at Crescent Beach State Park and started searching at 11:10am, low tide. The tide was now coming in. I started searching about a 1/3 of the way down, to the water and performed a grid search, horizontally to the beach and the ocean. Back and forth, searching approximately 100 to 125 feet and then turning around heading back to the starting point. I had made 4 such passes, digging the occasional non-ferrous target. At approximately 35 – 40 minutes, into the search, I received a mixed signal, on my VDI screen, that would not repeat. I would sometimes get a ferrous signal and sometimes a nonferrous signal. It could be two different metals, next to each other, throwing the detector off. I had enough of a good nonferrous signal, that I couldn’t, not dig it. The detector was telling me it was 3 inches under the sand and I slid the scoop, into the hard packed sand. Ran my coil, over the pile of sand and the target, was in the pile of sand that I had just dug out of the beach. I pulled my pin pointer out and stuck it in the pile, I had just dug. The pin pointer located the target and as I removed the sand, around the target, I saw the unmistakable color of GOLD. I removed a little more sand and saw the complete ring. I had found the ring.

I then sent a photo of the ring, on my scoops handle, to Samantha and she replied, “OMG, That’s right in the area we were in. You are so amazing. I’m sending the photo, to my Dad, real quick, to confirm. I believe it is”. A couple of minutes later, “Yes it is!!!”

I then told Samantha to give me a call at 1:00pm, when I arrived home, so we could make plans to return the ring.
Samantha the sent another PM, “My son is going to be so happy. He cried and cried and said he would give anything, to have the ring back. You are quite possibly, the best person on earth.” Well, her son will be getting the ring back soon.

When she called, Samantha told me she lived in Gorham, Maine and was getting out of work at 3:30pm. We would meet at the Hannaford Supermarkets, on Rt 1, in Saco Maine, at 4:00pm.

We met at 4:00pm and Samantha brought her son Jacob, with her. It is Jacob’s ring and it fell off, of his finger, in the cold North Atlantic waters, 5 days earlier. Jacob was extremely happy to have his ring back. His ring, is actually his grandfather’s ring, that was gifted to Jacob and his mother told me that Jacob had to tell his grandfather that he had lost the ring, which was very hard for Jacob to do. Now Jacob gets to tell his grandfather, that he now has it back. Jacob also will NEVER EVER wear his ring to the beach again. I just love seeing people happy and smiling, like Jacob is now.


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Another Gold Wedding Ring Found And Returned in Old Orchard Beach Maine

  • from Old Orchard Beach (Maine, United States)

Now that Joanne had her wedding ring back, her friend just told me that he also had lost his wedding ring in the sand. He told me his name was Gene and that just like Joanne, he had also placed his wedding ring on his beach towel and went swimming in the ocean. Just like Joanne, Gene had forgotten he had taken his ring off and placed it on his towel. Gene was drying off, using his towel when he remembered his ring. It was to late as the wedding ring had been swallowed up by the beach sand. Gene proceeds to show me the area his beach towel was, when the ring was lost. It was only 5-6 feet away from his friend, Joanne’s lost ring. I passed the coil over the area that Gene had pointed out and within 3 swings of my coil, I had found Gene’s wedding band. I still couldn’t believe that I had just recovered 2 gold wedding bands with in 5-6 feet of each other and that they knew each other.
As I walked away and resumed detecting down new the low tide mark, I decided to call my wife to come pick me up, as I was now 3 hours into my hunt and that is about my limit. When my wife arrived, I started putting my detector and gear in to the car, when my phone rang. Story to continue in my next blog.