how can I find my ring in trash? Tag | The Ring Finders

Ring Finder Recovers Gold Ring with Forty-Five Diamonds in Washington DC Trash Bag

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Chris’ 18 karat yellow gold ring with forty-five diamonds purchased decades ago while serving in the military stationed in Turkey.

Chris showing off her irreplaceable « super bowl ring » sized keepsake that Washington DC ring finder Brian Rudolph metal detected in the trash one week after the jewel went missing!

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Chris lost her very special ring which she had bought for herself decades earlier while serving in the United States military in Turkey. The irreplaceable treasure consisted of an 18 karat yellow gold band with 45 diamonds perfectly placed throughout the exquisite « super bowl » sized ring.

I received my client’s distress call one morning hearing great desperation in her voice to have me visit Chris’ Washington DC home where she believed her ring was still hiding somewhere even after a week of seemingly disappearing into thin air!

While talking with Chris on the phone, she explained that she couldn’t remember where she took the ring off. Usually she had a specific spot where she would place the unusually large diamond sentimental keepsake. However, in this particular situation, she was completely perplexed by her very special ring’s disappearance.

Chris remembered having it on her finger the previous Thursday and then that weekend is when she realized that the diamond covered gold jewel was not on her finger and nowhere to be found throughout the house. One of her young nephews who was visiting that weekend testified to seeing the ring on the kitchen counter. Chris was not able to reconcile the reason why she would have laid it on top of the counter and had no remembrance of doing so. After I finished asking all of the pertinent questions regarding this particular lost ring mystery, we set up a time for me to visit Chris’ Washington DC home.

The next day I arrived at the property and Chris and her grandson shared the whole story all over again just to make sure that I was not missing any important details. In my professional opinion, the two places that were the priority spots to search were the kitchen and the deck where most of the bags of garbage were piled outside. There were also a couple of trash cans below the deck that also needed to be checked. I was so proud of Chris and her husband George for not putting the garbage out by the curb many days earlier. Even though they had already gone through the bags, scouring for the gold and diamonds once before, they didn’t want to let go of the contents until after the ring was recovered.

I gave a thorough scan of the kitchen, looking in all of the obvious and non-obvious spaces and it was my determination that the ring was not hiding in that room. If it was truly seen by the young man during the family party over the previous weekend, it was certainly not there any longer. It was at that juncture that I felt it best to metal detect all of the garbage dating back to over a week prior.

In order for me to effectively metal detect the trash, I requested that Chris’ grandson supply me with extra bags to transfer each piece of rubbish from the original bag to the fresh new one. There were several large trash bags that were full of garbage. I went through them piece by piece, metal detecting everything until I concluded that there was no ring hiding in any of those bags that were on the deck. It was a smelly and slimy job but it had to be done!

Next, I began metal detecting all of the bags that were contained in the garbage can located adjacent to the deck near the driveway. Once again, it was determined that my client’s ring was not in any of those specific plastic bags either. Finally, I attacked the last trash can full of throw-a-ways.

On the bottom of the last trash can to search were all kinds of grass and weed clippings that took up two thirds of the container. The top third possessed more trash bags. After inspecting all of the contents in the first bag, I pulled out an average looking white colored grocery store bag from the remaining pile and noticed it was tied completely shut. It was heavy, filled with lots of small, soft and wet items. Immediately I raised the bag up and scanned every angle of the plastic with my detector to see if there was any metal inside of it. It turned out that there was a small piece of metal sealed up in the bag.

Next, I brought the bag down to the ground, punched a hole in the plastic with my finger, stuck the end of my handheld device into the mushy contents and began searching for the unidentified piece of metal. As I’m doing this I looked up at George who was talking to me from the deck and I asked him, « When was the last time the family ate white lentils? ». He responded something like, ‘Maybe around a week ago’. This would have put this food in the time window of when Chris’ ring disappeared.

Once I pinpointed the exact location of where the mysterious item was hiding in the lentils, I placed my fingers into the bag and slowly pulled out the small metal object. As I’m bringing my new find half way out of the bag I could see something gold-like in color partially shining between my fingers! It was what I was looking for! I found it! I discovered the missing diamond ring! I was beyond elated at that moment! George was in disbelief until I stepped up onto the deck to show him! I immediately ran into the house and yelled out loud, « l found it! I found it! » I took off down a particular hallway to Chris’ office where she was talking to her supervisor on the phone. « Chris! I found it! Yes way! It was in your trash this entire time! » My client was blown away by the news and we gave each other a holy hug filled with excitement and relief! She couldn’t believe that it somehow ended up in the grocery bag full of lentils! Chris and George were so very grateful for my expertise and relentless efforts to recover the beautiful diamond ring.

After lots of hugs and high fives with the family, I packed up my things and we all said our goodbyes to one another. It really was an amazing experience just as I have had many others similar to this one in the past. However, every time another ring recovery like this one takes place, its like it was the first time all over again!

As I drove away, I waved goodbye to Chris’ grandson who was locking the gate and then I headed down the District of Colombian street wearing the biggest smile on my face that one could ever display! I was so happy that my mission was successfully accomplished!


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