Find lost rings Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost ring in Salt Lake City: Found

Bill and Hanne were married 60 years ago. Hanne’s feelings were hurt when Bill stopped wearing his wedding ring about 20 years ago, but she never asked why, and he never volunteered the reason. Today I got a call asking me to bring my metal detectors to Hanne’s home to see if I could find an heirloom item that Bill said he may have lost in the yard. I searched for two hours, and I didn’t find that item, but I did find a beautiful two-toned gold ring that seemed to have been in the ground about 20 years. When we showed that ring to Hanne, she recognized it immediately. It was her husband’s wedding ring. She realized that the reason he had stopped wearing it 20 years ago was because he had lost it in their yard, and he had never had the courage to tell her. Bill passed away a few years ago, but I’m sure he would be happy to know that his ring has been found and is now in his wife’s possession.

Apple Watch lost Minnesota metal detecting scuba diving

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

A young lady lost her Apple Watch while jumping off a high dive dock at a local lake. I recovered it while scuba diving / metal detecting the site.

Pictured : Her Father picking up the watch.

Glad I could help you out!
