Doug Brosack, Stan Flack, Mike Miller, Unknown Couple and Tom Jones
The day before their 3rd anniversary, this man lost his wedding band in the Gulf of Mexico. The detecting group were on the beach to meet another couple that had lost a platinum wedding band the previous day. Tom Jones saw this couple thinking that they were the people he was meeting and approach them. He found out that they were not the couple he was meeting. In turn the gentleman said that he too had lost his wedding band yesterday. The four detectorist hunted for about 45 minutes then the Tungsten ring was found.
To everyone’s surprise the couple had disappeared. 30 minutes later the lady shows up and was in tears when she learned that the ring had been found. She phoned her husband who had resolved that no one would be able to find his ring and told him to « get down to the beach now. » The couple was so happy that their anniversary weekend getaway had been saved.
After everyone parted ways Tom realized that in all of the excitement no one remembered to exchange names or contact information.
They will be remembered as the « once again happy, 3rd anniversary couple from Queens NY. »
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