Lost wedding band chasing a hog

  • from Marietta (Ohio, United States)

I live on a 4 acre farm. My husband and I have a huge 500 pound hog. One sunny warm day in the beginning of June, I was out enjoying the pool with my son and nephew. I heard my husband yell for me so I hopped out of the pool to see what he wanted. Turns out the 500 pound hog had broke out of his field and was chasing my niece around the yard. Mind you, he thinks he’s a ginormous puppy dog and just wanted her attention. I went running down the hillside to help get him back into his field and felt my wedding band slide off of my finger. We all searched and searched for it and never could find it. My son is really great at finding things in the weeds but he couldn’t even find it. On July 22nd, I asked Steve Wagner to come out and see if he could find it with his metal detector. Within about 45 minutes of looking, Steve had recovered my ring! Apparently it had been through the ringer so to speak, ran over with the lawn mower, trampled on by kids and chickens. I thought I wouldn’t see it again. And the enjoyment Steve got out of finding it was definitely amazing. Thank you Steve for finding my wedding band and taking your time and energy to come look for it. You are very much appreciated ☺️ And I’d say if anyone loses anything they’d like to have recovered, Steve is the man for the job.

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