Lost ring while running/swatting at bees!

  • from Marietta (Ohio, United States)

While out cutting grass I met an unfriendly family of yellow jackets who had taken up residence in the ground near the side of my house. After receiving a few stings I removed myself from their part of the yard and in the process of escaping I lost my wedding band swatting them away.  The next day I searched the ground using a rake in hopes of stirring up the ring in the grass where I could see it, but gave up after 30 minutes of no luck.

On a long shot I searched online and found Steve’s name as someone who could possibly help find my ring.  After speaking with Steve he agreed to come out to the house a couple of days later to see if he could help increase my odds of finding the ring.  Steve set up his detector, went to work, and in 10 minutes from the time he arrived he had found it covered up in the grass.

I truly cannot thank him enough for finding my ring that I thought was gone forever. If you need similar help you are in good hands with Steve.

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