Steve LaForce, Author at The Ring Finders

Lost Wedding Rings Found In Decatur Indiana

  • from Huntington (Indiana, United States)

On Christmas day at around 5pm I received a call from gentleman named Andrew who informed me about his wife losing both her wedding band and engagement ring.  She went to feed their livestock some hay and her rings came off as she was shaking the hay around the stall.  That’s where I come in…We met up the following day and got to work on finding those lost rings.  The first ring to surface from the hay was the wedding band I believe and then after some time the engagement ring was found.  I’m always happy to see the smiles on  the faces when they see that ring again.  I’m sure this Christmas will be remembered for a long time to come.

Thank you Andrew and Brook….and I can’t forget Josh, Andrew’s friend who helped us out during the search.







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Wedding Band Found In New Haven Indiana

  • from Huntington (Indiana, United States)

I received a call from a gentleman who had lost his wedding ring while driving a combine out in a corn field.  He had stopped to stretch his legs and dust himself off and that’s when he felt his ring fly off into the cornfield. I happened to be out of town at the time he called but went out to the location shortly after returning from visiting family.

It took me two trips due to the weather but I was able to find and return the newly weds wedding band.  He’d only been married a few weeks before the ring was lost.  Another happy camper thanks to the RingFinders.

Lost Wedding Band Found in Huntington Indiana

  • from Huntington (Indiana, United States)

I recently starting working for a woman who has a fairly good size piece of property.  I asked for her permission to metal detect around her property and she said I could but if I found her husbands lost wedding band she would like to have it back.  He unfortunately has passed a few years ago and I’m sure it would mean a lot to her to have it.

Today after my chores were finished I told her I was going to try and find the ring for her.  It was just one of those times when a higher authority seems to be in control, I started out towards the area where she believed it might be and and on my first mid-tone signal I found the ring about 5 inches down.  Needless to say it was a great day for the both of us.  I believe I had help on this one…

Deceased Mother’s Wedding Band Found in Decatur IN

  • from Huntington (Indiana, United States)

I was contacted through the ring finders web site by a lady named Cindy who had lost her deceased mothers wedding band.  Cindy was wearing her mom’s wedding band when she was startled while working out back on her property.

Cindy gave me a report on where she believed the ring could be found and although it wasn’t looking good in the beginning, I eventually was able to find her ring not too far from where she believed it would be.  I’m very grateful to Cindy and Chris Turner at the Ring Finders to allow me to assist Cindy in recovering a very personal lost treasure.

Wedding Ring Found in Ft Wayne Indiana

  • from Huntington (Indiana, United States)


I received a call this morning from a woman named Sonia who needed help finding her wedding ring.  The phone number was from out of town and I almost did not take the call.  After a short story about who, what, where and when I was on the road a few minutes later.

After arriving at the location where the ring was believed to have been lost I contacted the school administrators office to inform them of my presence.  One of the ladies from the admin office escorted me to the area and told me I was welcomed to start looking as we waited for Sonia (the ring owner) to arrive.  I found a few coke can pull tabs and a half dozen coins but no wedding band.

After Sonia arrived and told me where she believed I might find the ring, it was only minutes later when I got a good solid tone on my Silver Sabre and uncovered her beautiful ring.  What a beautiful ring it was too.  I forgot to take some pictures of the recovery but Sonia shared one with me later.

What a happy day it was for everyone involved.  Thank you Sonia for calling me and giving me the pleasure of helping you find your ring.  I am so glad I was able to find it for you.

Best Wishes in the future and God Bless

Lost Wedding Band – Southern Indiana FOUND

  • from Huntington (Indiana, United States)

I’m happy to report another keepsake recovery here in Indiana today.  Yesterday I received a text from a guy who was pretty upset after losing his wedding band during a pool party.  I was hesitant to comply with his request to help due to the distance involved between us.  He informed me that he had sought the assistance of the local Ring Finders but was unable to reach them due to vacation time and other commitments.  I could tell he was very anxious about the loss and he really wanted help so I agreed to meet with him and find his ring.

After about 50 minutes of searching the area, the wedding band was recovered and Scott Caulfield of Westfield Indiana was one Extremely happy camper.

I’m so happy to be a part of the Ring Finders and to be able to share these special moments of extreme joy with those who are rewarded with a recovery.  Kudos to Chris Turner for bringing this venue to the benefit of literally thousands of happy people around the world.

OH….and by the way….Scott’s wedding band has a inscription on it… says…. »What a Wonder World »

God Bless


Lost Ring Fort Wayne Indiana…found!

  • from Huntington (Indiana, United States)

I received a call from a woman in Chicago who wanted me to find her lost engagement ring.  She had lost the ring while visiting family members in Ft Wayne IN.  I was able to schedule some time on the 17th of March with her uncle who owned the property.   Lost on the 13th and found on the 17th near where she parked when she went to visit her uncle.   It truly was a lucky day for both of us.

Sterling Silver Engagement Ring


Found Engagement Ring