Lost Platinum Wedding Ring Set Found at Rio Del Mar Beach

  • from Santa Cruz (California, United States)

I received a call from the couple on Saturday evening that her wedding set, two platinum rings with diamonds, had been lost at Rio Del Mar beach that afternoon. After talking over the circumstances we scheduled to meet at the beach at first light the following morning. It is an all too common story .. the rings had been put in the cup holder ( otherwise known as « ring ejectors ») of her beach chair while she applied sunscreen, forgot about and then lost when the chair was folded up. I’ve been on numerous searches from the exact same occurrence so don’t feel bad if it happens to you.

I met Ryan the following morning and he took me to the spot where they had been the day before. He and his son had searched for hours themselves but they also did a good job of noting landmarks to help put me as close as possible to their location .. this is an invaluable part of a successful search. I got to work knowing that these rings would « look » like small pieces of foil to my machine so I would have to be extra thorough and meticulous in my method as it’s easy to miss targets like these if you get sloppy or lose focus.

Luckily the beach was not too trashy and after about 10 minutes several pieces of foil I got a broken signal that sound to me like a piece of crumpled foil, my guess and hope was that this would be the platinum engagement ring with the solitaire diamond .. about 3″ down my suspicions were verified when I hand picked the beautiful engagement ring from the sand’s clutches. Handing it over to a tearful owner I had to remember that the job was only half finished and there was no time to celebrate .. yet. Figuring the other ring should be very close I set my coil down and swept over a couple more feet when I received a little more solid signal which I was anticipating and hoping would be the diamond encircled wedding band. Knowing again that there were stones on this ring I hand picked down into the sand and about 4″ down pulled out the platinum wedding band and handed that straight to the owner as well. The look on her face is why we do this .. that feeling and reward is so profound and deep that you never forget it. After multiple thank you’s, hugs and tears they told me what a great day it was for them. I met some wonderful people and had a great day as well. Peace.

Two of the three happiest people on the beach ..

Two of the three happiest people on the beach ..

The beautiful, elusive creatures ..

The beautiful, elusive creatures ..



3 Replies to “Lost Platinum Wedding Ring Set Found at Rio Del Mar Beach”

  1. Natasha dit :

    I cannot thank Scott enough! After searching on our own in the sand until the sun went down, with no luck, we decided to look online for help and found this website. Scott called me back right away on a Friday night. He listened to the story and made a plan to meet us right when the sun came up. He was very systematic and focused in his search. Within minutes, he found both rings! Scott was truly an angel answering my prayers. You cannot imagine how overjoyed I felt seeing him hold up the first ring…and then the second right afterwards! I still can hardly believe it. Scott is the real deal – truly an honest, sincere person. It can be hard to trust someone you don’t know in this type of situation, but I can assure anyone that you can trust Scott!

    1. Scott Foss dit :

      Thank you very much for the trust and that wonderful endorsement Natasha. It was my pleasure.

  2. Craig DuBord dit :

    He is amazing isn’t he? Way to go Scott!! You « rocked » it again!! 🙂

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