Vacation time

  • from Fairfax (Virginia, United States)

Grand Falls, MO

We went out to Missouri to visit family. Of course, any vacation should have a metal detector available. I took my AT Pro. It does a nice job for land/shallow water. My son and I checked out Grand Falls. It’s a beautiful place with some interesting history. We also spent a couple of hours at a beach near Branson, and I checked out a park in Galina. We found the usual stuff like fishing weights, pull tabs, bottle caps, bits of jewelry, and clad coins. Another interesting thing we did was detect near an old stump next to my son’s house. Before air conditioning and hundreds of channels on TV, people spent more time outside, under & around shade trees. We ended up finding old keys, coins, and other fun artifacts from the past. I would like to try some old trees on property which has a longer history.

If I can be of service, the fastest way to get me is by text at 703-598-1435. I will contact you back ASAP.

Rob & Son in Shoal creek, MO

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