Lost Platinum Ring Found! -- Castle Rock Lake, Wisconsin

  • from Menomonee Falls (Wisconsin, United States)

Metal detecting is a skill involving inches. I’ll explain.

Castle Rock Lake is the 4nd largest body of water in the State of Wisconsin. It boasts some 13,955 acres and 60 miles of shoreline. By comparison, Mike Ruetz, of Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, lost his platinum wedding ring in its waters. The ring does not cover 1 square inch. And if positioned vertically, it covers even less area.

But Mike knew approximately where his ring went missing, within a few hundred square feet that is. So it was a matter of eliminating inches, of ruling out where his ring did not exist.

My son, Scott, joined me as we systematically searched the island sandbar where Mike’s ring went missing. Holiday boaters love to anchor and hang out at this spot. How do I know this? Well, Mike told me so. But the metal-detecting evidence speaks with even more authority. Between us, we extracted and properly disposed of 69 beer caps and 59 aluminum pull-tabs from the sandbar—sad evidence of disregard by some for our precious Wisconsin lakes.

But at last, Mike’s ring found itself cradled in Scott’s stainless-steel sieve. A date, clearly inscribed on the ring’s inside band, 5-29-2010, confirmed one very happy owner’s wedding day!


3 Replies to “Lost Platinum Ring Found! — Castle Rock Lake, Wisconsin”

  1. Chris Turner dit :

    Way to go Paul, sounds like a great search & recovery!
    Some searches are complete long shots and in the game of inches it seems to find it’s owner…


  2. Ed Cropski dit :

    Great recovery Paul! You are so right with the sadness of peoples disreguard for our waterways thinking it just disappears below the water forever.I also made a sucessful ring recovery this summer on a sand bar where boats anchor up and encountered the same trash finds before finding the ring.It really is amazing to to able to find something such as a ring in such a vast area.I guess we are miracle workers!The world needs more people like us and less polluters! Nice work!

  3. Mike McInroe dit :

    Excellent team work Paul! How was the water temperature wise? And did you need a wet suit?
    So glad you and your son can spend time together helping others–makes for some great memories!!!
    Thumbs up to you Paul!!
    Mike Mc

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