2018 search results.
I was looking over all the records from this year’s searches. I did 22 searches for jewelry this year, a little bit quieter than usual. The good thing was that only 3 were unsuccessful. There were also a few searches where the client found their own jewelry in a different place than was searched, one found in a glove, another found in a clothes dryer and one found in the couch. The 3 unsuccessful searches, I will be going back in the Spring when the grass and weeds are low and the snow and ice is gone.
Thank you to all who used The Ring Finders, it was nice meeting you and the pets at Central Vt Humane Society and I thank you for the rewards.
Great work and thanks for sharing your 2018 search results! It’s always interesting to hear where jewelry will actually show up from where we thought it was lost. Best of luck in 2019!