Lost Wedding Band In Poteet, Tx. (Found)

  • from Auburn (Alabama, United States)

Received a call on 11/13 from Rolondo in Poteet, Tx. He stated that his wife had lost her wedding rings, two separate rings, while in the front yard. They searched for the rings and were able to find one but not both. He found me on the internet and gave me a call to see if I could help. I went to his house this morning ,11/14, and after hearing his story I began my search. He had laid out a small search area for me. On my third line in the area I got a solid tone on my AT Pro (45 on the VDI) and I knew it had to be the ring. I looked at the ground but couldn’t see anything. I bent down for a closer look and saw it tucked nicely under a small clump of grass completely hidden from the naked eye. They were both very happy to have the ring back on her finger where it belonged. Another happy story can now continue.

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