Lost wedding ring in the Blanco river in Wimberley, Texas (FOUND)

  • from Auburn (Alabama, United States)

I received a voice mail from Rusty Richardson saying that his wife, Beth, had lost her white gold wedding ring with a diamond in the Blanco river in Wimberley, Texas the day before. Since it was very early in the morning I decided to wait until later in the morning to reach out to them. I grabbed all my gear and headed to work. I was finally able to talk with Rusty around 7:30am and go over all the details. I told him I would be there around 10. Once I arrived I changed cloths and we headed to the water. The search area was about 40 yards from the shore near a big rock in the water. After about 30 minutes of no signals I finally got a good hit, the hit! It was a solid 45 on the AT PRO. We were in water that was about 4 1/2 feet deep. With my coil resting on top of the target I gave Rusty my pin pointer and had him go under water to locate it. It   took three times of going under water and coming back with a hand full of silt and finally the ring. He was very emotional at that moment and very relieved. We went back to the shore and I asked him to call his wife back out so we could do a Chris Turner Style reveal. When she got to us I asked her go over her story again. As she was talking and pointing at the water I held the ring up on my finger waiting for her to see it. The moment was magical to say the least. At that point there were hugs all around. And so now the story continues. Rusty, Beth thank you so much for the most generous reward.

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