Lost 14ct Gold Ring In San Antonio, Tx. (Found)

Leaving for work this morning and noticed that I had a voice mail. A lady, Tryphena Washington, said that she had lost a gold ring in her neighbors front yard yesterday, March 7, 2018, and ask if I could help her find it. I called her and we arraigned a meeting time for later in the morning. When I got there her dad showed me were it had been lost. She had parked on the side of  the curb and when she went to open the passenger door the ring flew off her finger and into the thick grass. I began my search using the Garret AT Pro and within 5 minutes I found the ring close to the side walk. She told me the ring had been given to her by her boyfriend just last week as a symbol of his love for her. The ring had been his fathers wedding ring of 50 years. Another happy ending.

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One Reply to “Lost 14ct Gold Ring In San Antonio, Tx. (Found)”

  1. Tryphena dit :

    Estatic! So happy to have been reunited with something of great value. The ring meant a lot to me and my boyfriend, it hurt to have lost it. Peace has been regained since finding the ring. Thanks to ring finders!!!!

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