Lost Wedding Ring In Wimberley, Texas (FOUND!)

  • from Auburn (Alabama, United States)

I received a call from Jan Prasek Friday evening Dec. 1. She stated that her wedding ring of 58 years had come off when she was swatting at a bee while standing on her back deck. The ring went over the railing and landed somewhere on the ground in heavy grass about 25 feet below. I agreed to meet her at her house the next morning. After I arrived she took me out on her deck and showed me what was happening the previous Wednesday when it came off her hand. After about 45 minutes of searching in the area where she thought it would have gone, I had not found it. I was not getting any good signals at all. Just falseing. At this point I stopped for a water break and went back up on the deck to talk with Jan some more. After rethinking things she decided that her hand motion would have been going in another direction which would have placed it to the left of where she was standing and not the right. I began my search in that area and within 5 minutes I got a solid 65-66 on the Garret AT Pro. The moment I knelt down to investigate I could see the ring nestled under some tall grass several feet from the deck. I called Jan on my phone and asked her to come outside for a minute. As she came out I just held up the ring for her to see. She was one very happy Lady. And the story continues for this lovely couple.


2 Replies to “Lost Wedding Ring In Wimberley, Texas (FOUND!)”

  1. Jan Prasek dit :

    After I accidentally flung my wedding ring over the deck of our house, I spent hours with a friend and a rented metal detector searching with a metal detector for a hopeless recovery. The terrain is unstable and rocky with beautiful (I thought until they ate my ring) blooming native grasses. My husband miraculously discovered The Ring Finders website. When Mike answered my call Friday evening I could hear that he was in the middle of a joyous occasion, which was his daughter’s 17th birthday party. Asking him to return my call, he insisted that this was important and he would be at our house, which is an hour and a half away, by 7:30 Saturday morning. His comforting, caring demeanor gave us profound hope. Meeting someone like Mike, who is so confident, understanding, experienced and determined, erases all of the painful memories of losing something that is irreplaceable.

  2. Steger & Sue dit :

    Having worked for the Praseks from 2004 until 2013 and being friends to this day as well, we appreciate stories like this as I know how much it means to recover such a meaningful « object » after having lost it for any amount of time. I wish Mr. Nichols had been around 50 years ago when my wife lost a solitaire diamond from her necklace I had given her and it was just lost in carpet grass in our backyard.

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