Lost Ring In Jenks,Okla

  • from Broken Arrow (Oklahoma, United States)

Got a call from Kevin monday October 13 while at work… He had said he lost his ring while pushing his kids on the swing at his folks house… Said he was leaving on vacation in two days for Kentucky….  I said ok i can come tuesday after work and we can look…. He was 100% sure he saw it come off but he just could not find it…. I turned on my dfx-300 walked back 6yards behind swing set got up to the swing were he was standing and got a sweet hit on the detector… there it was exactly were he said it was…. He couldnt find it when they raked the yard because they had stepped on it smashing it down were you could just make it out, i pulled the two and a half inch grass apart and said does your ring look like this he reached down and put it back on…. the whole hunt lasted about 1.5 minutes….. Thanks kevin for the rewardDCIM100GOPRO

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