Gold wedding band lost at Black's Beach, Found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Mikhail contacted me about his wedding band lost in the dry sand at Black’s beach. We arranged to meet on top of the cliff overlooking the beach below. My wife and I  ran across Mikhail and his wife  in the parking lot and proceded over to the trail head and the steep climb down. He showed us the area where they were sitting and I decided to start my grid at the NW corner. I fired up the Excalibur and on the first swing, I hit a promising sound. Sure enough, it was his ring! I love those quick searches. It helps make up for the ones where you search for hours. A happy Mikhail headed back up the cliff and off to his home in Los Angeles. Finding the ring was the easy part. Now it was my turn to hike back up that cliff! Thanks for the reward Mikhail.

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3 Replies to “Gold wedding band lost at Black’s Beach, Found”

  1. Mikhail Lobanov dit :

    Once again! Thank you very much for your work!

  2. Mark,
    Your story sounds tooo easy! Readers may get the idea that all searches are easy. Of course, they don’t understand many take several hours and some are unsuccessful. Keep up the good work!

  3. Kate dit :

    I am Mikhil’s wife. Larry, we also think so. That is why I decided to not joine the searchers group… But! When I receive a call back in a 22 minutes, I was so wondered!
    As said Mark it happened because we have marked the place good.
    Thanks Mark and his wove for help!

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