Lost wedding ring on vacation in Miami Beach

  • from Miami (Florida, United States)

If you lost a ring at the beach, in the sand, in the water, or backyard, call me, Louis, at 305-608-1870.  I have a metal detecting service and can help you find your lost item.  The happy lady in this picture lost her ring the night before in the shoreline in Miami Beach.  Her husband called me and I was able to go out that same night and look for it in the ocean, they weren’t able to meet me their but gave me enough information as the where it was, that night the tide came up and I wasn’t able to find it.  I went back the next morning around sunrise and was able to quickly find it.  They had not had the best time on their vacation so far but finding their ring before they left back home made up for a lot.  Check out my other post for other successful recoveries.

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