97-year-old heirloom 10 karat Victorian darling baby ring recovered and returned! A small ring makes a big hit for the day.

Scott, Alicia, and their little family made the almost 4-hour drive back to Alicia’s hometown to visit family. While spending time with family at a local State Park, Alicia was presented with her grandmother’s 97-year-old Victorian Darling Infant Ring as a keepsake for her daughter Noelle, named after her Great-Grandmother. The 10kt. ring was placed on the baby’s finger and photos were taken. The ring was too large for Noelle’s tiny finger and fell off. Alicia and her older children hunted the grassy area where they thought the ring had fallen and weren’t able to locate the ring.

Alicia was in my wife’s Girl Scout Troop years ago and she has seen posts on my wife’s Facebook Page about my ring returns. A distraught Alicia contacted my wife to see if I was able to come out to the park and find the ring. I grabbed my Manticore, pin pointer, and other gear and we went to the State Park to see if I could locate the ring. Alicia was able to show me the roughly 20 x 20′ area where the ring had fallen. After swinging for about 45 minutes, I was able to find the tiny little treasure and hand it back to the very relieved mother! Very small ring to locate at just 3 mm wide for the band and approximately a size 1.
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