Grandfather’s Gold Crucifix Lost in Grassy Area, Found and Returned Leland, NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

A little after 11am this morning, the 21st of March, I got a message from fellow Ring Finder, Steve Ray. The message said “I just got a call about a lost cross where he knows the area, along, but not in a lake. Leland NC, if you’re interested. I’m in Ohio.” Steve also sent a text from the owner, along with a phone number. I messaged Steve back saying, “Yea, I can take it.” I called the number in the text and didn’t get an answer, so I left a voice mail. Within seconds, Matt, the owner, called me back and I got additional information. He agreed with me coming to search, and I told him I’d be there in about an hour.

When I arrived, Matt was standing on the balcony of the apartment and came right down to the parking lot.  As we’re walking out to the area, he explained that when he woke up this morning, he needed to get something out of the car. At the time, his wife had the car keys, and she was out in a back area of the apartments with the dogs. So, he had walked out to get the keys from his wife. While he was out there, he felt the chain break that was holding the Crucifix. He grabbed the chain and thought the Crucifix fell out of his shirt on the ground. He also stated that he searched the area numerous times. He also searched the bedroom, bathroom and rest of the apartment with no luck. As he’s taking me to the area, I searched his path both visually and with the Nox 800. When we got to where he said the chain broke, I started a grid search. It was a small area, maybe 10×20 foot square. Both sides of the area had wire fencings. I checked those areas, which was mostly leaves with my pin pointer. As I’m searching, all of a sudden, he says, “Thank You for coming” and he had a big smile on his face. It only meant one thing! As I turned around to see what he was talking about, he put both hands on my shoulder and squeezed my shoulders. He pointed to the ground, and I could see the Crucifix, which was well blended in with the ground. I love it when things work out for the best. On the way back to my car, Matt told me the Crucifix originally belonged to his grandfather. When Matt’s grandparents hit their 50th wedding anniversary, his grandfather had the Crucifix specially engraved and gave it to wife. Both grandparents have passed and it’s all the more sentimental to Matt as a reminder of his Grandparents every day. It was a beautiful story!

Matt – Thank you for trusting me to help find your lost treasure.



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One Reply to “Grandfather’s Gold Crucifix Lost in Grassy Area, Found and Returned Leland, NC”

  1. Mathew dit :

    Thank you again Jim. I really appreciate you . Made my day .

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