Lost Ring in Arlington, Texas....Found!

  • from Fort Worth (Texas, United States)

Found my first ring with RingFinders!

I received a call from Jerry Sessions from Arlington, Tx., on Thursday May 15th 2014. He explained that he lost his ring last year, (spring 2013) while gardening in his backyard, and was pretty sure of the location. He tried to locate it with a rented metal detector but could not locate it. He happened across Ringfinders online and called me. I scheduled with him to come out on Saturday May 17th. I started searching at 5:30pm and dug several clad coins along with other items and trash. At about 7:45 we agreed that I would come back to continue, he went inside to get me a check for my trip charge when bam at 7:50 I received a strong signal in the grass area. When he came out I asked is this what your looking for. He was very excited and called his wife out, she was also very excited and happy, and she took some pictures of us. I was really glad that I kept searching. It was an honor  to find your ring Jerry, Thank you for the reward.



5 Replies to “Lost Ring in Arlington, Texas….Found!”

  1. Sweet success! Congrats Henry. Hopefully, many more successes this year.

    1. Henry Lucero dit :

      Thank you Larry.

  2. Chris Turner dit :

    Great Recovery Henry! Congrats on your first recovery and I look forward to reading many more of your blogs!
    Best, Chris

    1. Henry Lucero dit :

      Thank you Chris! Very glad I could help Jerry.

  3. John Volek dit :

    Way to go Henry, awesome recovery.

    John Volek

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