Lost ring found in Boston MA, Constitution Beach

  • from Bremerton (Washington, United States)

They say things happen in threes and for some strange reason I believe in a few of these old wives tells, so as of 06-16-2014 I was waiting for my 3rd lost ring call for the week and it finally came on Friday 06-20. It’s funny how that works, because I hadn’t any calls for a month and now the infamous 3 in a row showed it’s head. This turned out to be one of my fastest and one of my most favorite. I say it was fast, but only the fastest in terms from actually starting the hunt to finding the ring. I think I sat in traffic this day longer than some of the 50 mile drives I’ve taken, but that was OK because it was sure to make someone happy. The call came while heading into to work in Newton MA when I got a call from a young lady who lost her ring at a small beach called Constitutional Beach, Boston MA. I couldn’t make the trip then, so her and I both had to wait until I got off work at 6:00. It was probably one of the longest days she’d had in while, at least since her wedding day 2 months earlier. I really left a lot out by not showing the trail I left in the sand while walking my grid. I literally walked 20 feet East and turned 180 and at about 10 feet back West I get a nickel signal. I made a joke, « get your cameras rolling » and before I could identify what was in the sand Lizbeth knocked me over yelling, « you found my ring you found my ring » Apparently she had x-ray vision because sure enough her hand came out of the sand with her ring in it. As I got off my rear I noticed all the people on the beach were staring. LOL So, Hugs and more hugs all around and a new bride went home with her prized possession and I went home with the scent of perfume and a smile.





constitution beachconstitution beach 2


3 Replies to “Lost ring found in Boston MA, Constitution Beach”

  1. Mark Rubey dit :

    The smile, we can explain that to the wife…..the perfume, you’re on your own! 🙂 Good Job!

    1. GuyFuller dit :

      LOL! Fortunately I’m a single dad with a wonderful 14 year old daughter. Unfortunately the single parts gone on a little to long. I do the foot work , but have left that part up to God and what he sees fit. 🙂 Thanks for the great comment. 1 or 2 is about the most I get. I need to figure out how to tie everything together to where it shows more on the net. That and make about 200 more recoveries.

  2. Chris Turner dit :

    I’m sure that was the longest day of her life! I’m glad you were able to find it for her…Way to go!

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