White lake, Highland, Michigan yields wedding band

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

I got a text from a detecting friend, Dave Boyer, about a ring that was lost in Duck lake. This is a home we had visited before looking for a sister in law’s lost wedding ring. Tim H. and myself were driving to a seeded hunt put on by the Michigan Metal Detectors group when I got Dave’s text. After a successful and fun afternoon with the MMD, we headed back home but stopped on the way to White lake. When we drove up to the house Ron H. was there to meet us. Ron indicated that he had done some yard work in the front yard then went to the back of the house to reset his pump in the water. He uses the water form the lake to water his lawn thus having a pump in the lake just off his dock area. Ron let Tim use his waders and I had mine with me and we proceeded out in the water in about 2 to 3 feet deep. I moved the long hose and the pump head to the side about 5 feet so the metal would not interfere with our search. I got a signal near the shore and dug up a dime then walked out deeper where Ron had been re-positioning the pump and got a good signal, after I had Tim verify that it could be gold, I dug it up and in the top of the scoop was Ron’s gold wedding band. Needless to say he was thrilled to death.

Ron’s wife Flora, came out and was so happy because that was the ring that she gave him with their vows and didn’t want to buy him a new one.


2 Replies to “White lake, Highland, Michigan yields wedding band”

  1. Ronald Hernesko dit :

    Hi there
    Very happy that we have our original band from our wedding. You are the ring Angela!😇
    Just s heads up!! The ring was in White Lake! We live on Duck Lake Road. It’s confusing because there is a Duck Lake not far from here. They should’ve given our street a different name ! Ha.

  2. Gregg Larabel dit :

    Thank you Ron for the kind words. I have updated the story to reflect White Lake.

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