Williamston, MI heirloom wedding rings recovered

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)

Three weeks ago Melissa W. and her husband Dan were visiting her dad in Williamston, MI. His home has a pond on some acreage where the dogs run and play and the family gathers for a warm summer time swim. While swimming in the half acre pond, Melissa was in the deep part of the pond (about 7 to 8 feet deep) when her dog swam by and knocked her rings off her finger. She has swam in Jamaica, in lakes in the Carolina’s and in the river where she lives in Maryland and has never had a problem with her rings coming loose but this was just a freak accident.

Melissa and Dan searched for the rings in the clay bottom pond to no avail. When she went back to Maryland she located the ring finders web page and found my name in the directory. Three weeks have past and Melissa and Dan are about to come back to Michigan from their home in Maryland for the holiday, she gave me a call Thursday Aug 29th and asked for my help. I arranged with my friend who has a Hookah and told her we would be there Saturday morning. There are times when a ring finder needs a little help from his friends and that was now. Chuck R. and Dave B. came to my aid to help dive in the pond. After about an hour of searching the area where Melissa thought it was lost Dave got a hit and found a ring, he knew there were connecting rings so he got another hit about a foot away and recovered the other one. With a raised hand and rings on his pinky finger he walked out of the pond. Melissa put her hands to her mouth in happy amazement and put the rings on her finger. The engagement ring was given to her by her grandmother and the two wedding rings were connected together and interlocked into the engagement ring. So the holiday weekend began with a very happy couple and the family can again go swimming in the pond and the dogs can run on the acreage but this time Melissa’s ring will stay in the house.

It was my pleasure to serve you and thank you for the generous reward. By the way the HOOKAH is an under water breathing apparatus.



3 Replies to “Williamston, MI heirloom wedding rings recovered”

  1. Gary Mullen dit :

    Hi Gregg, Great recovery – Congrats! But I gotta ask…Tell me about the Hookah? How did it relate to the story? What did You use it, except maybe to celebrate afterward? LOL…Sorry, but just like Paul Harvey would have said, what is « the rest of the story? ».
    Again, nice job!

  2. Thank you so much for finding my grandmother’s ring! After watching you guys in action, I realized there is no way I would have been able to get it back without your help! That ring was truly irreplaceable. My husband and I can’t thank you enough.
    I hope you enoyed the rest of your weekend (I know we did!) and I’m certain you will make plenty of other people thrilled in the future by returning precious lost items.
    Thanks again,

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