Lost Men's Gold Wedding Band- Corolla – Outer Banks, NC – Found

  • from Ponce Inlet (Florida, United States)

I received a call from a gentleman this afternoon.  He said that he had lost his gold wedding band on the beach at Corolla. He was concerned that the tide was coming in.  I got some basic information and headed that way.  When I arrived I asked him if he thought it was in the water.  He replied yes.  So I got my waterproof headphones and we headed down to the beach with my Equinox 800.

As I passed the back deck several people started cheering.  I replied, « not yet! »  He got me lined up on where he thought he lost it and I ask him how far he thought the tide had come in.  He said he though it would be 15 to 15 yards in the water.  I started the search.

I hadn’t gone far…maybe a few feet…the sand was barely wet and I got a hit.  It was a strong signal but by his description of where he thought it was, this couldn’t be it.  I dug it anyway and took it up to the dry sand.  Low and behold a gold ring appeared.  We made sure it was the right ring and when I was going passed the deck the people began to cheer again…

I took a bow. 🙂

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