Grandmother's Ring Recovered, Cincinnati, Ohio

  • from Cincinnati (Ohio, United States)

I received an email late Monday evening with a photo of the site where this ring was lost and suggestions for beginning my search if I could help search for it. It turned out that I work very close to the site where the ring was lost and so I replied that I would search in the morning and again at lunch if necessary.  The owner and some friends had searched for the ring after it was lost and they had gone back to the site to search again Monday evening with flashlights. Returning home afterward, the owner replied to my email and we agreed to meet at the site during lunch the next day.

I prepared my gear and got an early start Tuesday morning to begin my search of the site. The emailed photo and suggestions were really accurate and I was fortunate and able to locate the ring within 45 minutes of starting my grid search of an area about the size of a football field. I was really pleased to be able to locate this ring and to get to work on time!

In the ring owner’s own words:

« It was my grandmother’s ring who had passed a little over two years ago. I was lifting weights earlier in the day and had taken my ring off and tied it to my shoe lace because I have bent rings before when lifting while wearing them. My work has a kickball league and I was hurrying from the gym to our kickball game and didn’t put my ring back on my finger when I arrived so it was still tied to my shoe. During the game my shoe lace unfortunately came untied while I was running and my ring slipped off… that’s when I contacted Doug while looking for a way to try to find it in the grass! »

Her smile tells the story and I’m happy to have been able to help!

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