Lost Ring in Raleigh -- Found!

  • from Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)

I was contacted by a man who had lost his wedding ring the previous evening on a sand volleyball court.  His fellow players had searched the court as soon as it came off, they weren’t able to locate the ring in the sand. Although he was pretty sure he knew when and where it came off,  they were still unable to find it.

After meeting him at the court, he showed me where he had been on the court and what he had been doing when it came off. As you can see in the picture, this is not a normal gold or silver ring recovery; in fact, he wasn’t sure exactly what the metal was.

As it turned out, the good news is that it he lost it on a volleyball court — there is usually only a small amount of trash on vball courts. After balancing the detector, it took less than a minute to recover the ring. Glad to be able to help!

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