Lost Ring Fort Morgan, AL - FOUND!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

What a beautiful ring!  I’m so glad that Lindy and her husband Matthew gave me a call yesterday morning.  They are vacationing out on beautiful Fort Morgan, AL for the week and unfortunately, Lindy lost her ring.  She was pretty sure that it had come off while performing Mom duties for her son out in the Gulf but she wasn’t completely sure.  I wasn’t able to come out until after work but the beauty of the Gulf Coast is that we had plenty of time left and the rain had even cleared out so I could start my search.  It wasn’t exactly where they thought which is often the case but by using a grid search technique I found it in the Gulf and put her ring back where it belongs.  Talking afterward, Lindy was trying to explain that even though they could replace the ring, it just wouldn’t be the same.  Lindy works at her church and I told her, even though you can buy an exact replica or even one with bigger diamonds, there is only one that was there the day she and her husband stood in the church and made a covenant with God.  I think she realized then that I really did understand.  😃  Thank you Lindy and Matthew for trusting me to find your ring.


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One Reply to “Lost Ring Fort Morgan, AL – FOUND!”

  1. Lindy dit :

    Dave reading this post made me cry! Words can’t describe the joy I felt when you walked up with my ring on your pinky. I have stared at it for the last two days thanking the Lord for ordering our footsteps and putting you in our path. You have a gift. If possible I cherish my ring more now! Thank you so much. I will never forget it.

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