Found wedding ring lost on the side of the road for over a month.

  • from Holland (Michigan, United States)

ok2 GetAttachmentThumbnailJasmine H. from Okemos, Mi. lost her wedding ring (3 rings soldered together) about a month ago.  Driving down the road, she tossed a cigarette out the car window and the ring went with it.  Since it was at night, she searched the road with a light but came up empty handed.  After over 20 years of marriage she and her husband replaced the ring with a new one, assuming the original was gone forever.  In one last chance she searched Facebook and found the RingFinders site and called Gregg Larabel who is registered for the Lansing area.

Today, Gregg and I met Jasmine at 10:00AM in the area where she lost her ring.  The sides of this rural, two-lane road had been mowed recently which concerned us initially, but it turned out the short grass made hunting for her ring a lot easier.  After about an hour of searching I got the signal of her ring about 5 ft. off the blacktop under some sand and pebbles.  We called Jasmine over and had her check in the sand right at that spot.  She was overcome with emotion when she uncovered her ring.  After a month of being lost and being run over by mowers, the ring had come thru with no damage.  With hugs and high fives it was a sight to be seen.  And you wonder why we love this job!

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