Lost & Found Gold Chain and Gold Coin at Vancouver Park...

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call or Text ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463


Imagine losing something so special that was a gift from your father, something that you’ve cherished for half of your life. I’m talking about a gold coin that his father wore for most of his life then gifted it to his son when he was 16 years old. Flashback seven years ago 2014 this young man lost the gold coin out of the setting on a school field, I found that it in a short period of time and was able to return his gold Mexican peso.

Now 2021 he loses both the coin and the gold chain which he took off before playing rugby to keep it safe he put it into a floppy hat in his bag. After playing in the hot sun for a while he ran over to his bag to grab the hat and put it on, forgetting his gold coin and chain was in the hat. After 30 minutes of running around the field he ran to the sideline and threw the hat towards his bag.

After the game he went to grab his gold coin and chain and realized it was in his hat, his first thought was it would’ve fallen out as soon as he grabbed it out of the bag. That was my thought as well, he’s searched all around but could not find it. He was a little embarrassed to call me for the second time to come out and look his gold coin but he gathered up the courage and gave me a call. After talking with him for a while I was excited to possibly be able to return this beautiful coin back to him for the 2nd time.

We met at the field I began my search near the tree where his bag was but did not find it anywhere near the tree, I knew my next step was to search the field and that was gonna be a big job as it could’ve fallen out of the hat while he was playing. But after asking a few more questions he told me that he had I can off his hat and threw it towards the sidelines after about 30 minutes of playing. This excited me with the thought of maybe the chain and coin got caught in the brim of his hat and when he threw it that’s when it came out…

You’re doing a great search and most likely an hour into the search not far from the area where he threw his hat I found his beautiful gold Mexican peso attached to his gold chain, I was so excited to be able to find this for the second time knowing how much it meant to this young man.

I had another surgery scheduled earlier that morning so I went off to do that one contacting him to let him know I was coming back to continue my search, I called him when I was there and said could you come and show me the area once again just to make sure I didn’t miss anything and that’s when I surprised him…













Vancouver Ring Finder Chris Turner- Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP  Anytime   778-838-3463

I have the best job in the world, I love helping people more than anything I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I get to make people smile, I get to hear their stories of what their ring means to them, and how happy they are when I find it.

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