Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP 925-580-2590
Now offering Metal Detecting, Video Endoscope, and Magnet Fishing services!
Harry had lost an important set of keys on a hillside covered in ivy directly below the stair to his beautiful Montclair Hills home. He and his wife searched the area and even removed much of the ivy in the location. The keys were seemingly gone! The couple found my information from the TRF website and had sent a request for help at 11am on the 9th of March. We would schedule the search for once Harry returned home from work around 5pm, and I would maneuver to that side of the hills early to successfully perform a search for a lost ring near by.
My boys and I would meet Harry and his wife at their home and get a quick run down of how and where the keys went missing. An initial hasty search of the small hillside only revealed some conduit pipes and very little else. We then moved to search the « green waste » bin where much of the stripped away ivy went. This proved unsuccessful also. Next, I began to search with my pin-pointer around a metal post that did not allow the metal detector to get close. It was at that time I discovered the set of keys nestled under debris close to the post…We had made the recovery!!!
Thank you Harry for contacting me, trusting me with the search, and your generosity! I’m very happy to have been able to return your set of keys in a timely manner.

Harry, the hillside, and the returned keys!
Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP 925-580-2590
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