Bay Area Ring Finders: Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP 925-580-2590
It was late afternoon Saturday that I received a message regarding a lost 14K gold ring lost on the UC Berkeley campus. At my earliest convenience I contacted Mike back to get the scoop. He had already found a metal detector to purchase and was on his way back to the scene of the missing ring. I was happy to give him a few pointers on metal detecting and bid him well wishes. I told him to let me know if he wasn’t successful and I could head that direction either that evening, or early the next afternoon.
Later that evening I got another text regarding the missing ring. A request was made for a search the following day. To this end, I was glad to assist.
The following morning I had T-ball with two of my boys, but afterwards we picked up some snacks and headed to Berkeley for a treasure hunt, picnic, and some romping around the park. We met Michael and he briefed me on the events leading up to the missing ring.
While taking a break from his Masters degree he met up at the park with friends for a meal. Mike had removed the ring to clean his hands and rested the ring on his leg. Moments later, he got up and the ring dropped away into the tall grass. After having no success with friends locating the ring, another friend located THERINGFINDERS.COM website and hence my contact information. His back up plan was to locate a metal detector for sale and come back to find the ring himself. He was fast to find one and was back searching quickly. He admitted that nerves and frustration set in quickly with all the nobs and noises the machine was making, as well as not quickly locating the ring.
I gave him 4 cones to define the perimeter of the search zone which was quiet small and we got started with the grid search. I can attest that the ground was quite noisy with targets. I informed him that the ring would indeed be on the surface and ring in between 14 and 20 on my Equinox.
Less than 5 minutes into our search I got a beautiful signal that came up as an 18 VDI. I told Michael we had his ring before we ever set eyes on it, an sure enough… »we made the recovery! »
Mike gave me a huge hug and was extremely relieved to have the ring back. Thank you Mike, it was a great way to spend my afternoon and I wish you all the best in your future.
The boys and I stayed on and picnicked in the park and climbed some trees… It was a beautiful day!

14K Gold Heirloom Ring

A relieved Michael with ring back where it belongs.

The ring peeking through the tall grass after discovery.
Bay Area Ring Finders: Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP 925-580-2590
Thank you, Brendan (and sons!) for your help locating this precious family jewelry. I would be lost without you, and likely still searching… you did it in less than 10.
Michael, it was a pleasure to meet you and I wish you a world of success in all your endeavors. Thanks for letting me take part in the story of your family ring! Cheers!!!