Bay Area Ring Finders: Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP 925-580-2590
On Sunday August 27th, I had the pleasure to assist Fred with his lost Platinum Ring. Due to the nature of the call and the information he provided, this would be as quick and simple as you like. He was removing some plants from his front garden when the ring went amiss. There were only three small locations the ring could possibly be when I arrived. Within 5 minutes of being onsite Fred had his Platinum ring back. A VDI of 11-12 and good tone meant « WE MADE THE RECOVERY!!! »
He and I had a pleasant chat about metal detectors, metal detecting, and permits for certain parks in the Bay Area. He had thought about renting a metal detector prior to finding our THERINGFINDERS.COM site. Additionally, he called a neighbor who had recently lost a hearing aid in their backyard a few blocks away. Fred was already shopping my services and spreading the word.
Thank you Fred, I’m happy everything worked out as it did, and it was nice to have met your acquaintance.

Fred’s Platinum Ring back where it belongs.

The Platinum Ring

The hiding spot!
Bay Area Ring Finders: Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP 925-580-2590
Thanks again Brendon for finding my ring so quickly! It has great sentimental value to me and Julie. I lost it gardening, and it only took Brendon a few minutes to find it, saving us the cost of replacing this platinum ring.