Lost 14kt. Gold Ring/Family Heirloom at Dewey Beach, Delaware: Found

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On 07/14/13, I received a phone call from a young lady regarding a lost 14kt. Gold Ring that had been lost on the beach in Dewey Beach, Delaware. The ring turned out to be a family heirloom. The ring had been given to my clients aunt for her 21st birthday by my clients grandmother and because the aunt did not have a daughter, she passed the ring down to her niece (my client) for her 21st birthday. The ring was lost while playing volleyball on the beach, it flew off of her finger into the sand as she was hitting the ball. My client and her friends searched the sand for the ring for about an hour and they were unable to locate it. I was then contacted and asked to come out to look for the ring. Upon my arrival, I searched the area were they said that they believed that the ring had came off her finger and had fallen into the sand. The search of that area turned up only a few coins and no ring. I decided to refine my search to the area outside of the area that I had already covered. I walked about ten paces to the north to begin the new search and as soon as I took one swing I got a familiar tone. The ring was then recovered and returned to its rightful owner who was very grateful for its return.


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