- Land/Shallow Water Search
Dennis Burlingame
Cost For My Service
I work on a reward basis, that means you pay what its worth to you and what you can afford to have me find your lost ring.
I have a call out fee of $25 for some areas if the ring is not found, this covers my fuel expenses. We can discuss this when you call.
Search Types
Land, beach and water hunting (shallow water only)
Search Locations
I can search monmouth county, parts of Ocean county and maybe Middlesex.
Dennis Burlingame's Bio
I've been detecting for 30 years now and have done a lot of returns in my day, glad to help people get back what they have lost.
Dennis Burlingame - Recent Blog Post
Wedding band recovered at Asbury Park Beach (2024)
I got a text from Raymond asking for help in locating his wedding band he lost in the surf at Asbury Park that day. I told him i’d meet him the next day at low tide to see what i could do for him. I went down and met his friend who was there with […]
Lost ring recovery in Belmar NJ (2024)
Was sleeping and got a call at 12:30am but couldnt get to it in time, went to voice mail. I listened and had a requested to look for a ring lost in Belmar so i called back. Rahul told me he lost a ring while doing pullups on the beach, and i told him I’d […]
Wedding band recovered in Belmar NJ (2024)
While watching tv at 8:45pm, my phone rings and it’s Welmo from Fort Lee asking if I could help locating his wedding band lost on Belmar, NJ beach. At first I thought he had already returned home and I told him i’d go in the morning but with that beach there are some locals that […]
Wedding ring recovered at Bradley Beach, NJ (2024)
I was out detecting till 3am and got a wake up text from Jessica at 730 asking if I could help locate her wedding band she lost the night before. I was tired but said yes, i had time before they opened the beaches up. Jessica was ment to have her ring back. She was […]
Ring recovered at Bradley Beach, NJ (2024)
Got a call from Mia asking for help in locating her daughter Rebecca’s ring she lost the day before on the beach. It was a gift from her late grandmother. Told her I would and met up with them at the beach. They gave me 3 options as to were it might be. It would […]
Dennis Burlingame - Testimonials
I am forever grateful to Dennis for helping me recover my rings of 30 years... (2024)
I am forever grateful to Dennis for helping me recover my rings of 30 years that symbolized not only my marriage but my family and whole life. Thank you!! Thank you!! God guided Dennis to where my rings were and he found them after 48 hours of being lost in beautiful Belmar beach. He gave me little hope because Belmar is one of the most sought after for “treasurer hunters” but you can never give up on faith and a person willing to help like Dennis. May God bless you and guide you to always bring happiness to the one that seek your help.
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What a terrific organization. Who knew... (2023)
I heard this story last night. What a terrific organization. Who knew. I’ve been coming to the Jersey shore for over 60 years and had no idea about these do gooders. Apparently, unbeknownst to the 17 year old badge checker as well who wouldn’t let him on the beach. Thanks to the police officer who suggested she look you up. Otherwise, it may have been lost for ever.
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Let’s appreciate that there are GREAT people among us and Dennis Burlingame is one of those GREAT people!!! (2020)
Words cannot express the sense of emptiness that came over me when I felt my class ring slide off my finger when I was riding that wave. As the ring slipped away, I made several hasty attempts to reach for it, but I knew that the ocean won. That look of loss on my face was enough to upset my wife and my daughter, as they were with me. We spent several minutes feeling for my ring in the sand, but I knew it was gone.
I had that ring for over 27 years, and I rarely took it off. It’s worn in only a way that time can wear down a ring. Besides my wedding ring, it was the only piece of jewelry that I wore, and I’ve had it a few years longer!!! I called my insurance company and started the replacement process, but nothing could replace the sentiment of that ring.
A few days passed and an unknown phone number showed up on my cell phone. Normally I would allow the call to go to my voicemail, but something told me to answer the call. The gentlemen on the other end asked me if I was José Mercado, when I asked him who was calling, he told me that he found something of mine that was very special. “No way,” I thought. “My ring?” “Yes, your ring. I was out with a friend on Monday night metal detecting, and we found your ring,” he said. I couldn’t believe it! At first thought someone was playing a joke on me, but I really hadn’t told anyone that I lost my ring!
Dennis went on telling me that when he noticed it was a Naval Academy ring, he had to find the owner. He found a part of my worn-out name inscribed inside the ring and then he called Jostens. He described the ring to them and as luck would have it, they narrowed the “José” down to me! Dennis found me on Facebook and he even found my work web site and left me a message there, but he didn’t give up until he got my number and finally connected with me.
It’s easy to get sucked into the sadness and fear and hate that seems to take over the news feeds today. For a moment, please share in my happy moment! Dennis reunited me with a very special possession of mine. I am so very thankful for him not only finding my ring, but for finding me (which I think was harder)!!! My family and friends appreciate his kindness as several of them have commented on my Facebook page. Let’s appreciate that there are GREAT people among us and Dennis Burlingame is one of those GREAT people!!!
Thank you, Dennis! You are a special human being and I’m privileged to know you!!!
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I can’t recommend him enough, he’s a lifesaver!!! (2020)
Dennis is incredible. I was so heartbroken and ready to give up before I called him. He was so nice to come out to me on the 4th of July and left to get to me immediately. He found my ring in only a minute when I had been looking the entire day! I can’t recommend him enough, he’s a lifesaver!!!
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I highly recommend his services! (2020)
To say that Dennis is a lifesaver would be an understatement. He showed up within 30 minutes of my call and was a true professional. I highly recommend his services!
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