Ben Michael

  • Land/Shallow Water Search

Cost For My Service

I work on a Gift/Reward basis. You pay what it is worth to you and what you can afford. All proceeds go straight to my daughters college fund.

Search Types

Water or land, anywhere accessible

Search Locations

North Shore, MA / Nashua NH area

Ben Michael's Bio

Experience detectorist with 10 years experience. Top of the line detectors, great for any terrain (salt water, sand, land, deep snow, etc). Give me a call or send me a text and I'll do everything I can to help you find your lost item!

Ben Michael - Recent Blog Post

  • Still at it! (2024)

    It’s been a while since I posted, so I figured I would at least let people know I’m still at it! I often get called from people asking if I’m still doing this, and I thought maybe it’s because my last post was from a few years ago. It’s always interesting how the calls for […]

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  • About Me (January 20, 2019) (2019)

    If you’ve lost your ring or some other metal object, give me a call or text.  I charge nothing to come out, this is just a part of how I enjoy the hobby of metal detecting.  If the area is large or I’m unable to make it to your area, I’ll bring or call other […]

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  • Day after Christmas recovery (2015)

    I was contacted by a couple who had recently been doing landscaping on a property and lost a gold women’s band with a number of diamonds somewhere on the property.  I met them both at the property and they showed me where they thought the item may have been lost.  They showed me a brush […]

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