Lady’s white gold 3-ring set lost in Hudson, WI while kayaking – Now found!

  • from Saint Paul (Minnesota, United States)

Marie and her husband Zack were on a guided kayaking trip down a small river in WI when Marie got swept into a swift and deep part of the river that had low-hanging branches blocking the way.  She had no choice but to go through and duck as best she could to avoid getting hurt by the branches.

As Marie was doing her best to get herself and her kayak out of trouble, the kayak tipped over and she went sprawling into the river.  She made it to shore, dumped the water out of her kayak and started again on her journey down the river.

A few hundred yards past the spot where she went in, Marie discovered that her 3 rings welded together were missing and let Zack know the bad news.  She was certain that the most likely spot the rings were lost was back up stream where she went in.

Zack call me 6 days later and told me the story.  I knew that the hunt wasn’t going to be an easy one and Zack said it was a bit of a hike to get to the site, so I contacted two buddies who also have a lot of experience searching for rings.  The more people searching, the better the chances a ring will be found – especially in a river.

Zack met us in town near the river and we followed him to the a parking spot about 3/4 mile away from the search site.  We got on our waders, got our gear together and walked through some little-used trails and across the river to the spot where Marie’s kayak tipped over.  I was surprised how fast and how deep the water was at this particular spot. We knew some of the water was too deep to search, but we covered every bit we could.

It was Mike who eventually found the rings by taking off his waders and going deeper into the river.  He found it right where the kayak likely tipped over: immediately after the low-hanging branches.  Zack was thrilled and gave us a generous reward.

I was really impressed by Zack’s effort to get his wife’s rings back.  He was very determined and really thought things through.  Below are pictures of Zack and the rings.



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One Reply to “Lady’s white gold 3-ring set lost in Hudson, WI while kayaking – Now found!”

  1. Larry Griffith dit :

    Tough job but fantastic results !

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