Ring Recovery - Diamond Wedding Ring Found in Kua Bay, Big Island Hawaii

Ring Returned to Laura at Kua Bay

So happy to find Laura’s lost ring at Kua Bay.

Ring Recovery on the Big Island at Kua Bay, Hawaii

Diamond Ring recovered.

Laura called us this morning and left a message saying she had lost her ring at Kua Bay on the Big Island of Hawaii. We were concerned as we know at this time Kua Bay has some very large waves. Brent called her back and she informed us she was playing with her kid in 1 foot of water and saw the ring fly off her finger go up the shore with the water. She assured us that she knew exactly where the ring was lost. Her husband spent the rest of the afternoon looking for the ring. As we know, rings sink in matter of a few seconds. Brent told her the possibilities of a small ring in a large ocean – but also mentioned what we know of many-a-ring lost in sandy areas – that there is a great possibility that it would have be trapped by the immediate sand and was still near where she lost it!

We checked the waves and weather report and it said that high waves were developing into dangerous conditions by the evening. This was not a good forecast for ring recovery.

We felt that because it was so shallow – and in a sandy area – and because she knew exactly where she lost it (as she had seen the ring come off) that there was a good possibility we could find it, despite the waves.

We were also approaching low tide so needed to act quickly. We agreed to meet Laura at Kua Bay, who had a 90 minute drive ahead of her as she was coming from another side of the island.

We had a general idea of where it was so both Brent and I (Sylvie) began searching before she arrived. Brent with his Excalibur (Minelab) and me with my trusty (Garett) Sea Hunter (which actually does just fine around the lava even though it is a pulse induction detector). We could see the tide was getting higher and higher and also rougher and angrier. Laura arrived and narrowed down our search area.

Brent found it 15 minutes later!!! People on the beach who had been watching all clapped when he presented it to her! Laura had posted signs the night before at the beach – and some people asked us if we were looking for the ring the in the « lost » posted signs.

It was one of the most unique and beautiful rings we have seen. Laura confessed that she did not think we would find it but had been praying. It was so great to hand her back her rainbow wedding ring. This was a ring design she had seen when she was 15 and she’d told herself that when she got married this would be the ring her husband would give her. She has been married 9 years.

Mahalo! Laura for trusting us to find your ring!! We’re so glad its still part of your life!

Laura told us she had her husband’s prayer group praying for the recovery. Brent had also started praying as soon as he heard we’d be going out to look for the ring! It seems to have worked. Brent continued metal detecting for fun for another 30 minutes and said had we arrived to look for Laura’s ring any later it would not have been possible as the waves had started pounding hard.

NOTE: If you lose your ring please don’t post signs and be careful whom you tell – we know there are people who will take advantage of the information that you lost a valuable item. We have been told that some metal detectorists prefer to collect their finds and not make an effort to return them to their owners. Please only tell trusted sources.
http://www.bigislandmetaldetecting.com info@bigislandmetaldetecting.com  Tel: 808 430 5660

2016-03-07 11.03.14  2016-03-07 11.05.27


2 Replies to “Ring Recovery – Diamond Wedding Ring Found in Kua Bay, Big Island Hawaii”

  1. Larry Griffith dit :

    Great find. Beautiful ring!!! Next time perhaps a video?

  2. Joe Au-Franz dit :

    Awesome job guys. I’m fighting the surf over here on Oahu too. Happy hunting.

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