Ontario Ring Finder Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost and Found: A Wedding Band’s Journey Beneath the Waters of Georgian Bay, Honey Harbour, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

In the shimmering expanse of Georgian Bay, just beyond the picturesque shores of Honey Harbour, Ontario, a unique challenge unfolded. A distraught couple Julie and Richard reached out, their wedding band—a symbol of their eternal bond was lost beneath the waters near Bone Island. As an experienced underwater metal Detectorist, I took on the task, armed with my Dive BLU3 Nomad battery operated air supply system and my trusted Minelab Excalibur II, a state-of-the-art underwater metal detector designed for depths and adverse conditions. The stakes were high: retrieving this irreplaceable memento required precision, patience, and skill.

Descending into the murky depths, the visibility was immediately disorienting—zero clarity at 20 feet below the surface meant relying entirely on touch, sound, and technique. Employing a custom circular gridding method, I navigated the silt-covered lakebed systematically, creating overlapping arcs to ensure no area was overlooked. The Minelab Excalibur II emitted faint, telltale signals, its advanced frequency design cutting through the ambient noise of the aquatic environment. Each pass brought a renewed sense of hope, though the conditions remained arduous.

Time seemed suspended underwater, every vibration through the detector a potential breakthrough. After what felt like an eternity, the detector’s tone sharpened—a clear indication of metal beneath layers of sediment. Carefully brushing away the debris, my hand emerged with the glint of gold: the missing wedding band, a circle unbroken even amidst the challenges of the deep.

Surfacing with the ring in hand, I was met with the joyous relief of the waiting couple alongside other boaters in their party. The journey had been arduous, yet it underscored the power of dedication and technology in service of human connection. Georgian Bay had relinquished its treasure, and the couple’s bond was symbolically restored, proving that even in the depths of uncertainty, persistence can illuminate the way.

Surfacing with the ring in hand was a moment of triumph, but it was made even more meaningful by Julie and Richard’s heartfelt gratitude. I want to sincerely thank them for trusting me with the important task of recovering their lost wedding band, a symbol of their enduring love. Their faith in my skills and techniques was deeply humbling, and their generous gift was a kindness that I will always remember. It was an honor to play a part in reuniting them with something so special, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to have been part of their story.

Please check out my YouTube video for this incredible ring recovery;

#ontarioringfinder #boneisland #georgianbay #Cognashene #severn #Muskokas #HoneyHarbour #PinkPowerAlly #Treasurehunture #minelabdetecting #Diveblu3nomad #underwatermetaldetecting #metaldetecting

Lost Electric Fence Dog Collar on Large Property in Erin, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Long time Family Friend’s Daughter Emily reached out to me as her beautiful Doberman ‘Luna’ lost an expensive electric fence collar somewhere on the large property.

I met Emily after work on a rainy day and we re-traced her steps.

After an hour we start in behind the home and on the back ridge and Emily spotted the collar laying on the ground.

Always happy to help local Friends in need of my services.

Sentimental Gold Ring Lost off Dock in Port Severn, Georgian Bay, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Tom was attending a bachelor party fishing weekend with the groom, groomsman and proud Father’s up in Port Severn on Little Go Home Bay.

There was a rush to get up to the location as they had an 11:00am check-out time looming.

Tim caught a small fish off the dock which caught his necklace, the necklace came loose and the sentimental ring fall into the water. The depth was approximately 5′ to 6′ of with murky bottom with lots of shells.

I used my Dive Blu3 Nemo floating battery operated air supply system with a 10′ hose, the Minelab Excalibur2 and a pin pointer to successfully recover Tom’s ring in a short amount of time as he knew exactly where his ring went in.

Thank you Tom for you donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!

Check out my YouTube channel to see the video and underwater view;



Lost Gold Wedding Band in Polar Plunge Port Severn, Georgian Bay, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Ajay and his long time University Friends were up at a cottage in Port Severn, Ontario. It was a last get together weekend before the summer as one Friends was headed to Western Canada.

The guys decided to do a ‘polar dip’ into the chilly waters of Georgian Bay. Unfortunately, Ajay’s wedding band slipped off his finger into the water below. One of the guys had taken a video of Ajay’s polar dip. With the help of a program I use (Splice), I imported the clip, slowed down the video and saw the moment the ring came off right in front of the dock.

I used my Dive BLU3 Nemo unit (floating battery operated air supply with 10′ hose) and my trusty Minelab Excalibur2 underwater metal detector. I the 25 minutes in the water, I found the cottage owners reading glasses, a fishing lure and finally Ajay’s beautiful gold wedding band!

What a great group of guys helping me with my equipment, recording from the dock and even a nice hot coffee with food afterwards to warm up. It was a real pleasure.

Thank you Ajay for your generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!

See below link to my YouTube Channel « Pink Power Ally Treasure Hunter » for the video of this ring recovery;

Diamond Wedding Band Lost in Backyard Over 2 Years Ago in Guelph/Eramosa, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Karen was doing some mechanical repairs on her vehicle and decided to put her diamond wedding band and her keys in her back pocket so they wouldn’t get dirty.

She visited the garden area as well as her chicken / hen coupe and back to her car.

At some point Karen pulled her keys out of her back pocket and forgot about her wedding band.

Two years later I received a message for help and decided to head to Guelph since January was quite mild and very little snowfall.

Since I was dealing with 1 1/4 acres the “grid search” technique is the key!

Found some kind of insurance tag, some trash and then her diamond wedding band! I asked her to bring out her detector to hear a tone but had pulled her wedding band out already!

After surprising Karen, we then proceeded to surprise her husband!

Since this was my the first callout for 2024, I honoured her with a freebie! Thank you for your kind gesture which I dedicated to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer event!

Happy Birthday to us Aquarians!

Check out my YouTube video and please like and subscribe! Thank you!

Link here;

#ontarioringfinder #minelabdetecting #treasurehunter #lostring #lostringinsnow #snow #guelph #eramosa #ariss #minelabmanticore #BettyBeast

Heavy Gold Sentimental Chain lost in the waters of Toronto Harbour, Ward’s Island, Toronto, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Christopher had Friends visiting from out of town! They took a boat ride to Wards Island to grab something to eat! Wards Island is in the heart of the city in Toronto Harbour in downtown Toronto!

Christopher’s hat blew off and his Friend’s coaxed him to jump in after it.

Unfortunately, Christopher’s 28” pure gold rope chain was a gift from his Uncle came off his neck and sunk to the bottom of the Harbour.

Three weeks later, Christopher contacted me and we headed over to the island in one of the cutest island water taxis!

All set up with the Dive BLU3 NOMAD and my incredible Minelab Manticore underwater metal detector we started a grid search.

Not long after, the Manticore sounded off for the sweet tone of gold as the chain was 2” deep!

Christoper was so thrilled to receive his sentimental gifted gold chain back!

Thank you Christopher for your extremely generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation! I truly feel valued!

Please check out LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel, “Pink Power Ally Treasure Hunter”! Thank you!

Link here;




Custom Wedding Ring Lost Apple Picking Milton, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Kris and his Wife Alyssa decided to spend their Wedding Anniversary at Chudleigh’s Apple Farm in Milton, Ontario.

They decided on picking “Gala” apples. After picking some apples he brushed the side of his pant and her his band drop but couldn’t find it.

Grid search started from the apple trees outward. This was a heavy ring so I worked outward. Coming to the gravel path where the horse and wagons filled with people apple picked… I couldn’t believe my eyes spotting his wedding ring ON THE GRAVEL PATHWAY!!

We were so very lucky that no one from the previous day spotted the ring! The ring blended in with the gravel dust on the gold!

What a great feeling to return his wedding ring right after their anniversary!!

Thank you so much Kris & Alyssa for your very generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!

Please check out LIKE & SUBSCRIBE my YouTube channel “Pink Power Ally Treasure Hunter”

Here is the video of the wedding ring return;


Heirloom Gold Wedding Band Lost in Georgian Bay, Allenwood Beach, Wasaga Beach, Ontario

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Dominic was up for a guys weekend playing football in the waters at Allenwood Beach in the Town of Wasaga Beach.

I rushed up to meet him early Sunday morning and proceeded to complete a grid search of the area.

An hour later, I managed to pull his heirloom gold wedding band with my Minelab Manticore metal detector and get it back on his finger!

One happy guy!

Check out the video and please Like & Subscribe to my YouTube channel “Pink Power Ally Treasure Hunter”. Thank you!


Sentimental Gold Ring Lost Over 35-40 Years Ago In Lake Muskoka, Bracebridge, Ontario Canada

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

What can I say…. this was one incredible lost ring recovery story!

It all starts with a group of high school girlfriends getting back together in the summer of 2023 at “The Wilson Cottage”!

It was amazing reminiscing about the high school days and catching up on the last number of years! My high school girlfriends knew that I was a registered metal & scuba dive Detectorist with the global organization “The Ring Finders” as I have been posting recovery stories for over 7 years!

Of course I always ask…. “Have you or your Family ever lost anything at the cottage or in the water?

It turns out that Beth’s Mother, Mrs. Wilson, lost a gold ring in the bay that represented her 20th service year at Consumers Distributing of Canada! She thought she lost 20 years ago then they thought 30 years ago but it’s likely the ring was lost 35 to 40 years ago!

Of course I had to bring all my gear… my underwater metal detectors and my DIVE BLU3 floating battery operated air supply systems The NEMO to 10’ depth and the NOMAD to 30’ depth!

All we knew that Mrs. Wilson Lost Ring cleaning up weeds ..

So I tried in underwater detecting in July 2023 and found a number of pennies, a fishing lure and trash!

Then comes to July 2024, which we were invited back up for a milestone birthday which we shall not discuss what year! *wink

So of course, I say well I’m heading into the water to try and look for your mom’s ring again …. And 20 minutes later I come up with a gold ring and I was freaking out!

We had no idea this was Mrs. Wilson’s ring. Gina googled the image for consumers distributing! It was then confirmed that the ring was indeed Mrs. Wilson’s lost ring!

We then proceeded to FaceTime Mrs. Wilson and surprise her! And what a wonderful surprise it was as we all had tears of joy!

Thank you, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson as you did make a charity donation in 2023 to my charity the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation !

This was indeed, one of the most wonderful weekends we have ever had! Celebrating friendships along with milestone birthday and incredible years of memories!

“What happens at the cottage stays at the cottage” except for this very special Ring Recovery!

check out the video of this RingRecovery and please follow my YouTube channel! Link below;

#LakeMuskoka #muskoka411 #lostringinwater #ontarioringfinder #TheRingFindersDotCom

Engagement Ring Lost in Pond at Disc Golf Tournament in Guelph, Wellington County, Ontario Canada

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Patrick & his Fiancé Kiana are seeded ‘disc golf’ players in Southern Ontario. Who knew that was even a sport! I sure didn’t!

They attended Eastview Community Park in Guelph, Ontario to participate in a Disc Golf Tournament on the weekend prior to meeting them in mid July 2023.

One of Kiana’s disc shots ended up in the pond so she decided to try and retrieve it. Instead, she ended up losing her beautiful engagement ring into the pond water. She was absolutely devastated!

After the weekend, Patrick reached out to me and set up a time after work to meet up at the location.

I proceeded into the water with both Patrick and Kiana to start the grid search in touch conditions. Leeches bring the main concern!

Thankfully, I brought along my hip waders because of all the pond and possible underwater creatures. Both Kiana and I were protected but poor Patrick did not have hip waders!

Approximately 35 minutes later, my Minelab Equinox 800 detector found that magic tone of gold!

Once the ring was out of the water and presented back to Kiana the heartfelt tears of joy overcame Patrick and Kiana. The I teared up seeing their tears of joy!

To see such emotion from what this engagement ring meant to both of them means everything to me!

I am so honoured to have been called upon to help this lovely young couple and I am also grateful for their extremely generous donation to my charity, The Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!! My gay is my PayPal-It-Forward REWARD!

Thank you very much Kiana and Patrick! I look forward to hearing all about your nuptials in October 2024! God bless you both for a very long, happy and healthy marriage!

Please check out the YouTube video of this Ring Recovery! Please Like & subscribe. Thank you!

Video link here;

July 2023