I received a text that Rickie had lost his wedding ring at the Torch lake sandbar playing catch on July 4th. The Torch lake sand bar is like being at a Nascar race for boats.

The Torch lake sand bar gets detected every day by multiple detectorist. For that reason, I wanted to get on this recovery asap. I loaded up and headed out to Torch lake and got on location about 8:00 pm on July 4th. It was a pretty interesting night. It was like being at a Nascar race with fireworks.
Rickie had text me his location he saved when he lost the ring. I used my Kayak to get out to the spot and started the search. I searched for a couple hours and had no luck. The spot was about 1/4 mile off shore on a sandbar off the main sand bar. At 10:30 pm Rickie sent me a picture he took off the boat he was on. As soon as I saw the picture, I knew the original location he sent me was no where near the spot the picture was taken. I know the shapes of the sandbars around the main sandbar just from experience detecting the area for the last 5 years. I could not do anything due to it being dark out so I returned Tuesday morning to continue the search. When I got home I blew up the picture and identified 4 spots on the picture to get a location off. 2 placed tree trunks line up with the side of house. 2 other spots tree branches line up the windows. Tuesday morning I took the kayak out to the spot the 4 marker in the picture line up. Unfortunately a boat was anchored right on the exact spot. I did not know how far Rickie got away from his boat so I ended up searching all around the anchored boat and had no luck. The boat ended up moving right after I was finishing up detecting around it. I moved into the area the boat was anchored and found the ring. This call ended up taking about 9 hours total to find the ring due to an extremely large area and being off shore.
Rickie was not it the area any more he had return home. His uncle ended up meeting me and getting the ring to get back to Rickie. Rickie is supposed to send me a picture when he gets the ring back.